Even though I have a special affinity to the scorpio golden armor, my favorite character ever is Seiya from Saint-Seiya: Knights of the zodiac (the anime started in 1986, my year of birth). He is one of the many anime characters that teach us that you have to even die several times to protect and fight beside your friends.

The story focus on a special orphan boy who was kinda' the chosen one, but since a baby he was raised at an orphanat with several other kids to defend themselves and the entire planet from any threat that Earth could face. Embracing the greek mythology they became knights, who would swear to protect Athenas the goddess, who would reincarnate in a graceful woman. Led by Seiya, the zodiac knights faced many obstacles, and deathful sentences by superior knights and even godlike warriors (there are also good ones, if you could become one), that greedy and corrupted of power always found a way to bring dark times to the entire population. I could relate by the approach of the anime in both love and devotion, but also death, grief, loss and even the afterlife, bullying, but most important the meaning and courage to have friends who would always be ready to fight against any enemy, always by our side. I think every anime is really about this. Having the ability to grow from very difficult situations, to face adversity as many anime characters show us. It's a very strong message and example by these great authors and artists who make it possible for us to be inspired and very happy, even though it could seem a simple thing (an anime series), it isn't at all!

Thank you for letting us be a part of your work @animesocialclub, and to be able to share our thoughts with other people as well. Cheers to all of you warriors!!
PS: I would like to tag my little brothers @davvas and @javiervasquez. Again, thank you all!
love him too