My most genuine passion started when I realized that plants didn't have dna, yet they were alive and kind of breathed but in reverse. Trees have the power to clean water and soil, pollution and basically repair everything that our human nature either contaminates or destroys one day at the time. They make possible not only all food that we need, they also made and are meant to shelter and protect every creature, animal and biological system throughout the entire planet. Trees disipate sunlight, they already achieved what we're currently developing with solar panels, they clean the air and not only that, they also produce oxygen from water and are simply the foundations between the forces of light, water, air and earth. Plants have a natural way of propagating themselves, and once I understood what I could give them to thrive and multiply, I didn't stop. 8+ years have passed and since I started with only 25ish plants from 4 or 5 species, I have now a stock of over five thousand, and more than 50 different species distributed between 3 or 5 gardens at the same time.
It's been a long journey for me, but I'm barely starting. My passion for science made me not just a farmer or a gardener, it made me an engineer. Even though I didn't finish Engineering at college, I worked as much as if I did, studied and learned many things as well. And now I'm at a point where I aim to spread my work and knowledge as much as I can. I teach seminars at schools, and try to raise awareness not only in climate change, but in human change as well. We have the power to turn this planet into a better spaceship, it's the only one we've got right now and we need to be more passionate about it. It's very difficult for me to reach people and convince them into wanting to do something about pollution, our trash, recycling methods, etc. I learned that only one tree can make up to 200 pounds of oxygen per year, and if we messure well enough our nature, we can find a balance between that and human kind. We have the power to manage and make a better environment and climate as well. Only by owning a couple of plants you are building oxygen, and that can translate into cooler temperatures and less contamination, where you live and around you too. We can make a change. Help the world in and out!!
That is so cool. I often forget about trees and how vitally important they are, that is until some reminds me :-) so thanks for that. There are a few tree farms where I live, and many trees, that have been planted, as Southern California is really just a desert. Very cool man to learn about that man - thanks!
Thanks to you! Thank you Mel for bringing all of us together. I'm beyond honored by just being here. It's refreshing to see as many people sharing this building of a future together as I do in your posts. It's been amazing to read all of your thoughts, followers included. Every artist deserves a shot, and we all, since kids, were artists. It's up to us to keep believing in it! I must say I didn't include a paragraph, I had to cut it to be able to participate without breaking the rules! It was the first of three, but I thought that these two deserved to be here lol.. hope we can continue to share our thoughts and hopefully become a new example for all communities; to become as strong as a champion team would, we all matter and each one of us has something special to contribute. Cheers and a happy weekend to all of you!
@steamdan Thanks for visiting my page :-) This format is great for me. Not everyone shows up in my feed, and I am busy a lot and not in front of a computer :-) I know their are many full time steemians, but I have several other things going on as well. We will have lots more of these discussions. I am learning a lot from all of you.
Wow. This is inspiring. You are so goal driven. I bet I don't know this much about plant.
It's good you moved past just reading but performing experiments. You're a genius.
It does take a while, and a bunch of mistakes to get to the point where you learn a couple of new things. But in this case it's been always better for me to build something new (at least maintain) than just transit an already built roadway! I'm humbled by your comment, thank you for your kind words. Cheers!
Sure, it does. But as they will say, practice makes perfect. Keep unlocking new feats.
It's a pleasure having you around.
Thank you! It's amazing to be able to do your work and earn respect for it. Sometimes we just want to make things happen and it can be very hard. I'm sure everyone needs to be acknowledged at some point, and without goals it can be very difficult, but one has to believe in the power to get things done!
These guys make a lot of oxygen and even help me paying the bills! It's fun to me to see how most people only look at them as if they were merely props!
Very cool man!