Ladies and gentlemen ... we have a LOGO !!!
Winner announcement - Honorable mentions and thank you rewards to ALL the participants !!!
And the winner is.......
@oscarcc89 !!!
The creator (@meanmommy33), coordinator (@redrica), head curator and mentor (@natureofbeing) and representatives (@immarojas, @teodora, @osm0sis) of @steemsugars evaluated all entries depending on technique, innovative idea, design, message [if any] and general image (not colors, because those can change). As you can see SEX and STEEMSUGARS 'fellowship' didn't count to our decision, we wanted to be as objective as possible!
We chose Oscar's work because we thought it reflects best the @steemsugars spirit [Women on the Blockchain] and also because it looks very elegant and professional.
Oscar is willing to make personalized banners (with your own username!) at the price of 2,5 SBD - so please, for orders, contact him privately on discord @oscarcc89#4887 !
Steemsugars in London - photo by : @immarojas
From the left: @redrica, @bristena94, @teodora (up), @immarojas and @meanmommy33
Of course we thank EVERYONE who participated, by posting at comments or even by making their very own post - wow !!! The response was great but unfortunately we had to go with only one...although...
Because we want to reward all efforts, we will be rewarding with 1 SBD 5 Honorable mentions and with 0,2 SBD ALL other entries!!!
This was we want to make clear how important it was that you participated and how much we appreciated your artwork !!!
Honorable mentions - Winning 1SBD
0,2 SBD Reward for all other entries
I feel very happy of winning the contest. thank you very much to @meanmommy33 and the community of @steemsugars. thanks, greetings!
You're welcome dear !!!! I think all would agree that you deserved it!!! Thank YOU for an excellent job!!! :D
Congrats to the winner. I think it is an amazing logo. Well deserved.
Thank you as well for participating :)))
Thank you to @meanmmomy33 for participating SBD gift.
nice logo, looks really good, very professional indeed.
Thank you kindly for the honourable mention! But I do really like your choice. Great job @oscarcc89 — I love how classy this logo is, strong yet elegant and bold, and the geometric designs show connectivity. Sweet! I'll be rocking this new banner on my posts! :)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!
Congratulations to the winner, the very elegant logo represents the blockchain woman of this century.
Stunning logo! :D
wow cool! make some modification good edit!
Google search link
If you did such a thorough search then you already know that this image comes from a website [if you go 'visit'] that you have the right to download designs if you pay credit packages. So it's a perfectly legal use for people like apparently @oscarcc89 who pay membership.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
Making accusations without evidence is frowned upon in Steemit, and even more so if it is said by someone with a low reputation. They could further diminish your reputation.
Greetings, friend!
It's not about reputation it's about the originality of the design.. how come you win a Design Dontest that is not yours... alright! A win is win!
a. if you think this way why did you resteem this post anyway? and
b. if you really wanted to bring this to my attention, you could/should have done it privately, not in public exposing the artist. The originality of design wasn't our first point of judgement anyway.
I think you should check @oscarcc89 's work - he was featured at SteemFest with an original painting, among other things/works/contest he always participates. Completely chaging a very basic initial design is still an original creation if you ask me, so yes, a win is a win [and jealousy is jealousy as well].
The winner did a great logo. Good job.
I don't think so... he only make modification. there are a lot of good design that have their screenshot of their original works proof... @steemsugars make a mistake for choosing a design that there is no proof of work.
Please check the comment above. Also, 'modifications' count as work as well, especially when the 'original' it taken with permission. Please, next time, don't base your observations just on google [saying 'Images MAY be subject to copyright -it's not the case here], because you might harm someone's [the artist's in this case] reputation. Thank you.
Congrats to the winner. It's really beautiful like a woman.
Great design!
I love the logo! Good job
Congrats for the winner 😊👍
Thank you! and good choice, I like the selected logo!
Thank you very much for the Honorable mentions @steemsugars and @meanmommy33, it was fun!
You're welcome !!! You did a great job !!! :)
Congrats @oscarcc89 it is a beautiful logo.
Thanks friend!
Beautiful logo, representing the essence of woman, @oscarcc89 thank you.
mi piaceeee
grazie !!! :)
Superb logo. It's dynamic, and sweet, and almost musical. Loving the subtle "S" shapes. Dig it. Great selection, among the many solid options.
It was really hard to choose but it seems like everyone likes our final choice, yay! :)
Thank you everyone for your amazing comments and support !!! :D