Okay, let me see what I could come up with straight up from my solar plexus:
Volunteers, couch-surfers, artists, etc. all have mobility in common. They're looking for places, and offering to lend a hand. For farms, workshops, projects, etc. the opposite is true: they are tied to a place, and are looking for helping hands. Anyway, if this wasn't clear from just the the names I proposed, then I probably don't even deserve to win.
For the two tags I suggest #handseekers and #placeseekers and for the platform name handsandplaces (alternatively hands-n-places or hands&places).
I totally get it! Great suggestions and remember that multiple entries are allowed, so don't hesitate to come back with more. If you are so inspired.
not bad for a pirate, hand is definitely maritime, but placeseekers? bunkseekers! 😎
Hand gegen Koje
There you go! #hand-for-berth and #berth-for-hand. Thanks for the inspiration to my second entry, @likedeeler. Should they win, we'll split the rewards.