To develop a person it is necessary to study. A valuable information is searched on the Internet, libraries, and also extracted at trainings and seminars at the luminaries. And you can just look around, take a closer look and listen to the one and those nearby. Often nature itself comes to meet the seeker. Just start watching and exploring life itself - it will give deep answers to any question of interest. It only needed to explore the world of animals, birds, insects, and man ascended into the sky, and also created all kinds of adaptations in the image and likeness . Much is given by nature. One of them lesson to be in the stream.
Lesson of the water kingdom of fish. Fish are often against the current, it is not clear why. And it goes right, absolutely not complicating life, the fish reaches its goals. This direction of movement allows to pass through itself the maximum amount of water. As a result, the fish has time to grab more oxygen and food. Life is enriched. In the world of people, comfort and convenience prevail, the force is a habit or tactic "to go with the flow" in calm and familiar ways. Most people have a hard time leaving the "comfort zone", it's easier to rotate around such a familiar circle. But sometimes the feeling may sneak up, that much is not achieved, life gave little and missed something. And the winner is the one who at least bought a ticket for a ticket ....
Great and nice
Nice @stranniksenya
It's a good story :)
Nice post.
nice storry
nice storry
Good winner.
Good words good story @stranniksenya