20th Daily Steemit Upvote Lottery

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Win a guaranteed minimum of 2SBD by upvoting this post and leaving a comment. It's free, fun and easy! I'll even pay 4 SBD to upvote bots to make the prize more interesting. The winner is automatically selected after 24 hours. You can view all our past lotteries, winners and payments on our website. Myself and all bots are of course excluded from participation!

The rules are easy:

  1. Upvote this post
  2. If you're new, introduce yourself
  3. Complete today's assignment: What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?

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Good luck everybody!

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Hey @svosse... I couldn't miss #20...

My weirdest scar... Ugh - there's so many, it's hard to say what the weirdest one is... I guess I would have to say my worst, and definitely my most memorable scar, is located on my right leg. I got it when I was in my twenties, basically by being a dumbass.

Picture me riding my motorcycle north on Interstate 75 (Alligator Alley) in south Florida. This is a perfectly straight 100 mile stretch of highway that is not only famous for the scenery through the Everglades, but also famous as the perfect road for hauling ass on your bike.

There's only one turn in the entire 100 mile stretch, and I was unfortunate enough (or dumb enough) to be going way too fast, and not paying attention (showing off) at that particular area. I realized what was about to happen way too late, and the only thing I could do was try to lean into the turn as much as possible before hitting the shoulder.

As soon as my tires hit the edge of the pavement, it was like my bike just disappeared from underneath me - I tumbled and rolled for what seemed like forever, before finally coming to a stop by sliding into the game barrier (fence).

I initially didn't think I was all that hurt so I tried to peel myself off the ground and attempted to stand up. At first, I had no pain at all, so I instinctively tried to roll over and get up. Right then, at that exact moment, as I tried to push myself up, I had agonizing pain shoot through my entire body.

I looked toward my feet and saw that my right foot was pointing in the wrong direction, and I literally watched as my leathers filled with blood - in the end I had two compound fractures on my right leg, my right shoulder was dislocated, and I had three broken ribs. I was told by the doctors - had I not been wearing riding leathers, I likely would have lost my leg just below the knee.

The scars are a reminder of my stupidity but looking back at it, I probably wouldn't change a thing if I could...

Geez, that sounds scary. I only had one lesson riding a motorbike and crashed into a parked truck. That was enough for me :)

My worst scar was from a slip n’ slide, there was a rock under one, you can guess what happened lol

Front or back?

The weirdest scar I have is a brand on arm that looks like the letter j. Me and my friend branded each other in 10th grade chemistry class with a Bronson burner and a thick wire...boy we were geniuses lol

Lol sounds like a very smart thing to do indeed

I'm not sure what you mean by "new". I've been on Steemit since September, 2017, but I'm still a minnow.

In my late 40s, I came down with a very painful case of Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus (caused by the chickenpox pox virus, which stays in your body forever, waiting for your immune system to weaken). I told my friends that I could now try out for a part as a Klingon on Star Trek.

Joking aside, this virus left scars and a purple splotch on my forehead which took almost twenty years to fade away (minor traces are still visible).

I'm not sure what you mean by "new". I've been on Steemit since September, 2017, but I'm still a minnow. I write about linguistics, the Chinese language (Mandarin), futurism, and food. I also do book reviews.

With 'new' I mean new to the lottery :) Thank you for joining and good luck today! I'm glad the scars did fade away in the end. It's horrible disease...

I don't have many scars, fortunately. The weirdest one I have is one in the left side of my right knee. It's like 2.5cm long and 1cm wide in the center, because I didn't get stitches and it didn't heal properly, and it kind of looks like an eye.
And I got it doing stupid shit as a kid: I climbed a street light and on my way down afterwards I got cut by a metal thingy holding a paper bin that wasn't properly cut and folded after they installed it (I know this probably sounds weird and maybe you don't understand what I mean, but I really don't know how to explain it better ^^")

I think I kind of get it :) The metal thingy attached the paper bin to the street light?

Exactly, yes! Seems like my explanation made some sense after all XD

I have a nice scar on my left knee from walking on a railroad bridge. Sure enough, I was messing around too much and one of my legs fell through leaving a giant gash on my knee. Just to let you know, I have been back on that bridge many times since the incident lol.

Good for you! Don't let the bridge beat you :)

Hello all
introduce my name razaq barry according to my identification the steemit @ razaqbarry, i from indonesia, is almost 20 years old.

talking about the weird scars that had been experienced, at the age of 6 I was a naughty boy, often got injured in the body, but there are one scars that strange I think, when I was sitting at a table accidentally my knees scratched the knee, not too sick, but the blood that came out very unnatural for a scratch of the scars, was repeatedly removed, still do not want, until finally should be clumped and bandaged, I think it's strange, just because of scratches, but the blood is very much ,

so much from me, thank you for reading

Thank you for writing :)

So I slid on the ground with jeans and it was like a burn scar. It took like 2 years to go away

Must've been a long slide...

Hola soy Nueva en esta lotería, soy de un hermoso país llamado Venezuela. Realmente si hablamos de cicatrices me cuesta decir cual es la mas extrañas, pues lamentablemente tengo muchas, pero podria decir que las que marcaron gran parte de mi infancia, fueron las de mi mano derecha, ya que fui sometida a quemaduras con láser para eliminar un caso de verrugas múltiples que tenían en casi todos mis dedos. Realmente era muy incomodo, nunca faltaba quien me preguntara ¿que te paso en la mano?. Gracias a Dios el tiempo ha hecho efecto y hoy en dia a mis 31 años las mismas son muy poco visibles.

I'm sorry, I don't speak spanish

Google translate helped though :) Thank you for sharing your story. However, this lottery was closed already. You can participate in the next one here:


My weirdest scar is when a bat lands on my bed when I am sleeping.

Can't you just close the window?

They get with the hole in the roof.

The weirdest scar is a patch where I broke my arm one time.

Hi I'm tmntzara
I have no scars

Luckily no scar on my face but have one in hand which I got while playing roleplay using the warrior using Khukuri(Nepalese Knives) with my brother.

Hi I am pretty new so cool to be here on steemit. My scar is right where my eyebrow is. Looks like a big crater because I was weeding the garden and got in some poison ivy and mindlessy wiped the sweat off my forehead and pushing my hair back so it was in my head too. Not fun

You can get scars from poison ivy? I never knew that. Lucky I don't have it in my garden.

If you have a bad reaction like i did. I think i was a lil more sensitive to it. Its def not fun.

New to the whole lottery thing on Steemit.. it's a good idea! Don't really have weird scars. But I did get a long one on my arm from falling out of a tree but still hanging on. So pretty much just slid down. Fun

Welcome and good luck today :)

which I got from the most remembered and deep scar from my memory that there was a scar on my chin where I got this wound when I was a kid at that time I was his son lava and jumping that eventually I fell exposed to glass table and wound I had to be stitched by a doctor because the wound was deep. Thanks..

boils, because until now the scar is still there until now and that's what makes me not confident to wear shorts

That's too bad. I hope you don't live in a hot country then...

Hi my name is @aguspratama i come from Indonesia, the most memorable wound is falling off the bike precisely on the eyebrow but the scars make my eyebrows beautiful because there is a cleavage

Welcome to the lottery :)

Hi my name is @ashabulimam i am from Aceh, my most memorable wound was being bitten by my uncle on the big toe

Why would he do that?

Can't exactly say it's too weird, but I think it's weird that it's never ever gone away. A scar on my chin, and it happened when I was 3-4 years old. I tried to push a toy tank where the tank tread was a sort of plastic tubing with balls inside. This didn't really allow it to roll very well, so all I did was flip over the toy and go chin first into the concrete sidewalk.

Hi, I'm new and I have a scar on my neck from the knife when they attacked me miraculously to survive.

Who attacked you?

My name is Matteo, i live in the US but i was born in Italy. I've been steeming for a month.
I have a scar on the right side of my belly.
I got it during a crazy night at a club when I was living in Rome, Italy.
I had a female friend that was very into s&m. I was not into s&m, I had "some" drinks and I thought it would be fun to let her scratch me with her nails. 10 years after I can still see the outcome of that " fun" decision.

p.s.: no i didn't get laid that night :D

Haha worst decision ever :) Welcome to the lottery and good luck!

no regrets! ahaha

Hello, I'm Shinize and I'm new to this lottery😊

So, I have many scars on my legs which I got from chickenpox when I was 13 years old but there's one deep scar on my forehead which I really hate the most and for me that's the weirdest scar I've got.

Welcome Shinize and thanks for joining. How did you get the scar on your forehead?

Thank you for that warm welcome😊
I've got this deep scar from chickenpox when I was 13 years old.

Hey! I'm kinda new to your lottery. My name is plainly my steemit name. Lol

My weirdest scar is on my forehead that is almost like a letter "L".
I got when brother and I were playing.

And by playing, I mean throwing pebbles at each other(the sharp ones). Hahaha!
We threw pebbles at each other but then as kids, we only thought of the fun that we were having and not the consequence.
I got hit first and I cried so hard because I was bleeding. And what's worse is that it is almost shaped like an "L".
I guess for being the loser for getting hit?

Haha that's the worst letter imaginable :)

Hi, I'm Alex, I write about Deaf awareness. Upvoted and followed.

My worst scar: on my knees from a car accident when I was a kid :D

Hi,am @peacezo, I write about so many things, Upvoted and followed.

My weirdest scar:on my knees, I knelt down inside a hot pot of rice immediately brought down from the gas burner by my mum when I was 5. It was my worst and most memorable experience I grew up with it till adulthood.😂😁

Welcome Alex! Good luck and I hope you enjoy the daily lottery :)

i have scar in my tongue that it leaves a black spot and up until now its color never changed.

How did you get that? You burned it?

i accidentally bite it.

Hi there. I'm Nikesh. I write about football, motorcycles and a bit of politics.
I have a scar on my chest. I got it when a pan filled with boiling tea fell on me while I was hiding under the table. Fell on my head and along the right cheek reached all over my chest. Stupid me!

I guess you're lucky it didn't scare your face then...

Weirdest scar?

Despite the odd shaving scars on my manly bits-

I have a scar or two on my chin-

One front my first time ice skating
And second from my first time shaving.

I was like 3 years old for both lol

Too much information...

If you ask the question - what’s your oddest scar? You must expect the most curious answers haha

I am in lol
This is fun! 💝

OH I just read we need to tell about a strange scar>
I have a scar on my inner elbow from riding on the handlebars of a bicycle when I was a kid.

Yeah it got a little boring just asking for upvotes and I noticed some people don't actually read my posts so now I require a tiny bit of interaction :) Thank you for joining and good luck!

I have a big scar on the center of my chest which I got from chickenpox when I was about 8 years old. It's almost rectangular in shape with jagged edges on the vertical sides The lateral sides (both up and down) are straight. I used to be so conscious of this when I was young but have learned to live with it. The place where the scar is was also where the biggest lesion of the chickenpox was. You could say it was the mother of all being the biggest.

The mother of all chickenpox... sounds charming :) Thank you for sharing and good luck today!

Hello, it's bundis10. I'm a soccer and lifestyle blogger.
I have a scar on top of my brows, it's actually like a letter... "H".
I got it when I was a kid. I threw a stone at someone and ran, he threw back a stone at me and it hit the floor and straight to my face.
The scar is now like a part of me, when people ask... I say the "H" stands for Hero 😁


I guess an H is not that bad. Serves you right for throwing stones though :)

Hi, im @kwinesther- im new on steemit.
Question: what is the wierdest scar you have and how did you get it?

Answer: i have a deep scar on my navel region.
I got it when i was little, my brother was trying to sharpen his pencil and i was standing close to him, that's how he mistakenly hit me with the knife.
Now i laugh whenever i see the scar

Welcome to the lottery! Kids can be so careless it's scary sometimes.

So careless i tell you.

I`m myvoice and new here :) my weirdest scar is in my soul. And the reason its weird is that i got from a stranger. He told me that I have two parts of brain, 'left' and 'right'. In the left side, there's nothing right. In the right side, there's nothing left.

Lol! What a horrible thing to say

True....thats why Im scarred :D :D

Hi, I'm praizychris. I write about life, health and fiction.
I have already abided by the rules of the game.
The weirdest scar i have is on my left cheek, two dark parallel lines that invites questions from most people. I got it when my teacher flogged me with a cane for spilling my notebook with palm oil. I was actually eating and trying to read. Now, I'm angry at him for spoiling my fine face.

I can imagine you're upset! Where are you from?

I'm a Nigerian. I've learnt to live with it as it can not be avoided and must be endured. I've also forgiven my teacher.

That is very kind of you :)

Sorry to hear about your face. I've been a teacher for over 40 years, but I never hurt any of my students (one father explicitly told me to do so if his son misbehaved, but I said "That's not my style. There are better ways").

Health? My wife was a professional nurse for 30 years, so we share a lot of ideas. I'll have to check you out.

Anger caused not necessarily by the oil spill but due to other factors might have influenced that course of action.

My weirdest scar is right between my eyes. As a kid I tripped over some toys on the ground and rammed my head on a corner of a closet.

Welcome back fcavetroll! Good luck today :)

My name is Chris Livingston, I fairly new to the platform and this is my first entry into this lottery. This is hard, because I don't scar very easy. Probably the oddest scar I have is on my right eye where my cat scratched me in the middle of the night. The other is my newest on where I chopped half of my tip of my left ring finger off at work. Now my fingernail grows all funky.IMG_0969.JPG

How did you chop it off? With an axe?

It was a freak thing. It machine cover that should have at worst just pinched my finger, clicked my finger and cut it off like a razor blade. Didn't hurt, but bled like crazy.

Didn't hurt? That's weird. Aren't fingers supposed to be very sensitive?

It was odd. A paper cut can be hurt like crazy, but this one didn't hurt at all. It is crazy how the body works.

I have a scar near my upper lip. When I was in 2nd grade, my classmate swing a small branch of tree and it hit my face. Good thing, it healed well, it’s not much visible :)

Did you get him back?

Nope. I was shocked and just went to my place. After a few mins, it’s already bleeding. Lol

Hi I am Jacinta from the Philippines.
I am a visual artist :) I make lots and lots of art.

My weirdest scar is shaped like a screw which was embed in my skin after being hit by a basketball on the face while I had my glasses on.

I used to be a basketball player in highschool.
I bled a lot. The red scar became pale and now it's still there but less noticeable.

I can't see anything so it can't be that bad. Must've hurt like hell though...

It was scary and not too bad but it was screw shaped. That was 8 years ago and most my scars heal pretty good :)

Wow!! This is interest. Reading through what people write as there weirdest scare and am so amazed.
Anyway, my weirdest scare is that I have no scare on my body. None that I have seen.
I am @mimidiamond. Thank you

I guess you could call your bellybutton a scar :)

Lol. Ok, if you say so. I could also say I got mine from heaven

Lol. Ok, if you say so. I could also say I got mine from heaven

I have a weird scar on my left ear. An almost accident, a girl suddenly run across the highway and a hard break. From the back I was thrown through the passenger seat. Funny.

That's why you should wear a seat-belt :)

Hi! I'm new, my name is Karen from the Philippines. I have this weird needle mark scars all over my upper arm on my left because I do dialysis 3x a week. People always ask me if it hurts. Nah, I have been used to it.

Welcome Karen! I'm glad it doesn't hurt :) Didn't know the needle leaves scars though. Is that supposed to happen?

Thanks! Yeah because dialysis needles are the biggest medical needles, I guess, or prolly one of them...

Hi, I'm Damian!
My weirdest scar is probably one I have on arm. It's three little points I got from getting stabbed with a fork :P

Lol, who did that to you? My cousin used to prick me with a fork but luckily never hard enough to pierce my skin :)

Woah Seems fun :D

Yo i'm aranda from aceh, actually i'm the most easier guy to got a wound in my childhood and one of the most weird scar i ever have is a 5cm scar on my left leg. i got it because of a bicycle accident where my left leg got stabbed by a sharp tiny rock and its almost touching my bones at the times. XD

Welcome aranda and thank you for participating :)

I have a scar on my eyebrow . I fell from seesaw when i was 9 years old. Hehe.. actually 3 boys was on other side of see saw .. We were doing practical ...lol..lol.. xD

Lol, doesn't sound too smart :)

Yea we were kids though and were having fun....

awww.. still not lucky on the last lottery..trying my luck again today.

the weirdest scar i had is on my the upper part of my hip's side, when i was a child, around 10yrs old i climbed a guava tree, not ours, our neighborhood, lol. and when the owner came i immediately went down and fell through the branches.

Good luck again! And don't climb trees you're not allowed to climb anymore :)

hahahah! yeah! learned my lesson the hard way. lol

I have no scars on my body really... I have very deep mental scars that I create. Every year brand new scar in my mind. I'm a mental masochist.

Hi guys, I'm Chinex. Lover of music and money.

I generally try to stay safe and away from anything that will disfigure my body.

The only scar i have is that on my left arm from immunization when i was very young.

I guess that's not so weird right 😀

Stay safe guys

Nah, that's pretty normal but we can't all be blessed with weird scars :) Welcome and thank you for joining!

Under my chin with ducking under a table and misjudged it lol! had to have stitches!!

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