Show me a snap of your life win $10 SBD and a STEEM luggage tag

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

It is contest time

I just got moved and in the spirit of moving it is time for another contest. Winner will recieve $10 SBD and a STEEM luggage tag. Always spot your luggage with this unqiue luggage tag.



How to enter to win

  1. Upload a snap shot of something in your life you cherish in the comments below.

  2. Tell us why you cherish that something.

Below is an example

Example 1


I cherish good long lasting friendships. 28 years of friendship with Miss @charisma777 and yes Charisma really is her name. I cherish our friendship even when it hasn't been easy.

Example 2


I cherish every moment with my granddaughter. She makes me laugh and is silly. She loves taking selfies and brightens my day when I see her and her brother.

So what do you cherish in your life.

Show me below and do not forget to tell me why. All entrants will get upvoted so everyone will get a little something. One person will get $10 SBD and a luggage tag. Will it be you?

One rule: Images must be of your own, stolen images will be flagged 100%.



Look at this contest picking up steem! This is an awesome idea and I love the luggage tag, as I told you at your house. There are such a diverse bunch of people that have entered here, absolutely awesome! I do not want to enter as I think it would be conflict of interest but I will place a photo of what I cherish most!

I gave you a 100% upvote for sharing anyways

Well thanks! I also want to add, I cherish this particular picture because I miss them being this small, so to add I cherish the memories of their childhood, although they are still children, those days when they are so innocent and have yet to see the tragedies the world can often place in our paths. These are the memories I cherish...


I was a 10 year old kid when my parents woke me up at 5 am in the morning to leave for the airport and escape the war in Serbia. My parents saved my life, and I cherish them very much. The door behind us is the apartment where I used to live as a child (we live in New York now), and it has been 27 years since we all stood there together. Our names are still on the mailbox, which was a very touching moment. I cherish and love my parents.

What a heroic set of parents you have. To have to escape leaving everything you have ever known behind, has to be scary, but I understand the love they must have you for, as a parent I would have done the same thing, no matter how scary, it would be better than my children witnessing the devastation of war. You are lucky to have such wonderful parents.

I am, thank you very much.

This is so touching story God bless you and your lovely parents.

Very nice thing to say, thank you!

He is the one I cherish most. His name is Walter. He is my first baby boy, though he proves stubborn and troublesome some times but he gives me joy

He is adorable and that smile, he is gonna grow up to have a very charismatic smile.. You are gonna have to watch that one around the ladies...

Thanks for the comment .... He needs guide in other to stay focus when he grow up.....

Haha my daughter growing up and starting to cheek. Well, children always bring us that priceless joy! They keep us live longer lol

quality time with your daughter


I cherish my every moment with my son. He just turned one in the beginning of this month and he is growing so fast. In 1.5 weeks he will go to the kindergarten and I'll return to work. I'm enjoying our last lazy weeks together so much. :')

Children grow so fast in a blink of an eye, I love hearing you are cherishing every moment with your young son.

I hear too often that children grow fast and many regret that they didn't enjoy the time properly. I don't want to be one of them so I'm enjoying the now. :)

In a blink kf an eye they grow up. I chose to be a stay at work from home mom and it still was not enough time. In a blink of an eye. ....

You had a good situation! Working from home. I don't have this option... I decided to do 80% worktime so my work week will be 4 days. My husband will do the same. Nice that he will be able to spend more time with our kid. :) Oh yeah, our grannies will also take care of him on some days. They also enjoy that very much. He will be in day care (kindergarten) only for 1-2 days a week. :D

This picture reminds me of my college days and buddies...
Golden old days...I always smile when I look at this...
He is my best pal...I took this photo while we were rehearsing for a performance.

Kind of reminds me of Charlie from the TV show Two and a half men for some reason

lol...yeah some intangible similarity....

I have no clue why but something about it, reminded me of his charterers personality....

Maybe it's the weird face expression...:D


I love playing musical instruments (Drumset to be precise) Nothing inspires me like when I am drumming

Music is good for the heart and the soul. I play woodwind instrument myself but I have always loved a good drum beat.

music in my world is A STRESS RELIEVER!

I cherish spending time outdoors and traveling with my family. This is my 2 of my kids running in the mountains of Santa Fe, New Mexico 20161122_164337_011-ANIMATION.gif

Look at you going for the bonus point with a gif. I do love those moving photos... Make me feel like I am in the Harry Potter world.


What do i cherish?
Becoming an Engineer has been my childhood dream, studied hard, worked hard, and now i'm this close to becoming one. I cherish what i do, and much love in my heart in becoming an engineer!

Hard work and determination make all the difference in life. Keep working hard and you will be what you desire.

I cherish my wife and kids. We have been through a lot and they decided to stick with me through six years of deployments while I was in the military. Now they are supporting my dream of being a photographer and filmmaker. And if you couldn't tell from the picture, they are awesome.


Thank you for your service. I blog about many things but I too am a photographer. I love photography, the photos above was taken with my cell phone and not my good camera.

You are welcome. I got into photography as a way of seeing the beauty in this world and it has opened my eyes so much. In a way it has saved my life and given me a whole new outlook on things. I have written a few blogs so far since I started on Steemit. They have mostly been on my travels to Africa and the time I spent living with a Maasai tribe, but I wanted to try and build up a decent following before I really started writing about all my experiences. Mostly I have been posting photography and trying to learn this platform because it is a lot more involved than a normal social media platform. Anyways, thank you for putting on this competition. It will be great to see where your Steemit journey takes you.

It is winter in Indiana right now, a wet one at that, and I haven't been out much with my camera, but we also just finished building a house and just moved in over the weekend. Once we getting settled I will be posting a ton of photos myself again. I love this platform. I found steemit in June and it has been a game changer.
I got into photography to save my own sanity as I needed something to fill my time as my kid started flying the nest. I have been a stay at home mom working from home selling things on eBay for years home schooling my kids. As the middle one was about to graduate and leave for college, I started having panic attacks on what I was going to do on the next stage of my life, as my baby graduates this May. And photographer was my lifeline. It has give me a new outlook too. I see things I overlooked before.

Utah has had a weird winter this year. It was 55 degrees a few days ago and then it dropped and snowed about 5 inches and now its about 20 degrees. I haven't done much photography this winter. I've been focusing on my filmmaking more. When our kids are done with school my wife and I want to move to Thailand for a few years and just travel the world. I figure we would get some pretty awesome photography and documentary film opportunities doing that.

We plan to do some travel photography but we plan to keep our home base here near our family. But the weather has been weird lately. Yesterday was a really nice unseasonably warm day. 78 degrees was the high. Today's high has been 38 and it is nasty out and raining.

Hi, this is my son. Name Cinar poses photographer while wandering around a nice Sunday morning.I love my son very much. He started elementary school this year and made us very happy.


Hi @tecnosgirl! How are you love? I hope all is well. ☺

Family. My whole family to cherish and to love. Behind every laugh and tears, happiness and pain they are always by my side supporting me. I love my family! Thanks be to God.

This is me holding my camera... I cherish my work because my aim is to became a cameraman but i didnt just become a cameraman but a cameraman for a state television... My joy

I cherish my friends a lot. Their company feels like home. They are more than a friends to me but I regards them as my brother because they stands by me when I am down. Thank you my besties

This is my new found joy house decoration and painting, i had graduated from the university 3 years ago as a Civil Engineers and for 2 years i searched all through Abuja, looking for a job but didnt find any so i reversed to this skill i learnt years earlier and in no time perfected it and in the last one year it has been my most treasured asset because it has taken me places and given me some pride. Even if no civil Engineering engagements come an so satisfied with doing this because i derive much joy in it.

Sometime we must use what skills we have till we find the job we desire. It is smart to fall back on skills while waiting for an opportunity to present itself. And sometimes other opportunities knock, you did find steemit, so who knows where you might end up in a few years.

Yea...i really appreciate your concern and encouragement, we have to keep making the best out of whatever life throws at us. I leant that the hard way though, thanks again.


This was the only picture i ever snapped with my late blood brother since we came of age...we spent 21 years together and this is the only picture i can ever hold on to thats why even if the picture is not fine i can not lost it...its backed up everywhere...he was the best brother you could ever wish for...he thought me to always do what i love no matter what people think....
RIP,mum,rashford,kamal loves you...and i promise you i will become that soldier you have always dreamed of..
I cherish you and this picture...

100_0628_edited.jpg I cherish each day that I wake up and don't find myself dead...

If you wake up to find yourself dead you might be a vampire.

Oh my gosh...maybe that's why I'm a night owl and cringe at my reflection in a mirror...I must be transforming into one...???

It also could be that you are turning into a zombie. As they are undead too.

Oh yeah...maybe...

In this picture, myself (right) and my friend Emma. This was last Halloween! I chose this photo to symbolize the thing I cherish most in my life, my friends and family.

Without the wackiness, weirdness, spontaneousness, and just overall 'awesome-ness' of my friends and family, my life would not be as blessed as it is right now.

I cherish the time when alone and quiet to get fresh ideas

This is a shot I took of my University. The statues are something I truly cherish coz they stand tall and remind us that the works of our hands not only speak for us but will exist for others to see. As an artist, this just inspires me to keep the fire burning.


This is a picture of me and my mother. Who I love most in my life. For caring for me and learning me life lessons. For being my biggest friend but also my worst enemy. Because if I ever do something wrong my mother is the only one I fear and my dear lord.

I cheeris the solitude moment, when i can alone with guitar and make hymes.. From deep of my soul...

Music is good for the soul

Certaily, inner journey create happiness. Thanks!


I cherish my every moment as an Altar server. Nothing gives me more happiness in life than serving the Lord. :')

your screen name is an oxymoron with what you do. LOL

Hahahahahahaha :D i cant think of another name that is catchy hahahaha :'D

Ayoblex 20160904_100933.jpg
This is the picture i cherish most because this child I was holding was abandoned at child birth and my mum being a lawyer took custody of him and although his dad was later found..we took care of him for about 6 months and I can tell you he was so loving and always happy...I cried nd cried the day he left our house after He was reunited with his father...I love you muaz and I hope we meet again happy in the nearest future

@tecnosgirl (63) my wife's chicken soup is awesome and as you can see she likes the noodles and I like the broth smiles


i hope my entry is not coming in too late. this is one of the pictures i cherish so much. because on this day, out of thousands of my other co students, i was able to have an award to my name. i wasnt expecting it, it came as a surprise. it was a big day for me among my peers



My first bitcoin purchase I made on coinbase I cherish very much. It got me into crypto which got me into trading which got me into all the other cryptocurrencies and completely changed my world. It also got me to know platforms like steemit and all its wonderful people. It basically introduced me to a whole new community of cool people with similar interest.

My daughter made our bedtime fun by teaching me how to use picture editing apps. It feels amazing when your kid knows some stuff more than you do.


Growing up in the world with technology helps a whole lot. My kids knew more than I did and I have an IT degree by the time they were 6 or 7...

My kids. Need I say more. Being their father is the highest privilege of my life.

This was picture I took when I went out to have fun with friends,, I cherish every moment with my friends,, they make the works of life easier for me.. Love you all..

This picture was taken during christmas. I love this picture because its one of the times I can be with my family and have fun. And family is everything,they accept you the way you are and love you so much. I really miss them because I am in school,but I am looking forward to seeing them soon

I do cherish my wife a lot as she has been a fundamental part of my life , she has always been there for me through the thick and thin, she is very hilarious , accommodating and not temperamental at all . She is the proud mother of my kids .

please see below the pics of my jewel

prisca esteemed.jpg

I love music soooo much so this is a moment that I cherish soo much which is when I could finally play the bass guitar

I have only two pictures in my first day at junior high school (We call it Junior Secondary School JSS1 here in Nigeria) I have lost one of the pictures during our relocation to a new home. This is the only one surviving. I have made a digital copy of it, securely stored in the clouds. My report booklet for that time together with this picture is all the remains of my childhood memories. I want to save them for my kids (Am not married though, but its no longer a long term project). I want to show them what Dad was like during school days and i know they will be happy to see that. This picture is 18years old. I was 12 when i took it. So you can calculate my current age.

Villas Marlin Cancun Mexico.jpg
I cherish the Caribbean Ocean of Cancun Mexico. Everytime I feel stressed out, I look at my "backyard" and tell myself to stop whining. This photo I took on Tuesday - Villas Marlin Cancun Mexico.

I cherish all of these incredible people who have become my family. Every Summer over the 4th of July holiday we have a big reunion/get together, reconnect and do some partying. The last 4 years the celebration has been in St. Louis.
Friends and family make every day of our lives better!!!💯 image
(Note: I'm the one in the back row, top rightmost side)
Awesome contest @tecnogirl and I love the Steemit luggage tag!

IMG_20180214_143052.jpgshe is the one i cherish most in my life ,my girlfriend since the past 6 years . i love every moment with her, i love you baby


I cherish my children. I live for them. Everyone says that I know. Over the past year I have had a huge struggle with my health. Sometimes it feels like it will never end. It can be hard to keep trying and keep digging up the motivation to try again when I don't succeed.
My family have suffered a lot along side me. This is not me and my child, it is my teen and her brother.
She is an amazing sister. Always there for him as a loving sister 100% of the time.
I know it has been hard for her. She has missed out on opportunities and I have not been able to be there for her when she needs me.
We are considering making some big changes and moving to be closer to my mother, to have support. This would mean her leaving her friends and everything she knows.
She is a bIG steemit fan. If I was to win I would give it to her for our move.
My children... I cherish them and I try harder at life everyday for them.

Here is my entry

I so much cherish the moment
I spent with my grandma on NewYearDay
She told us her grand children and great grand children stories of the older days..
I cherished her prayers which made my mom to drop tears of joy.

I wish my grandma to live longer even though she prays for death to come take her..



I cherish my sister so much. She is a very strong young woman. Her sacrifice for my growth is so much. Coming from a relatively not rich background in a country with no good economic index, it is very hard to balance working which is necessary for the learning and learning itself but she got to find a way to do that to support herself and me her brother. I am now in my final year in medical school. My Lion sister made it possible @soundgod. She is a light in my life in this dark world of mine. I own her alot and sincerely CHERISH her.

Thanks my lovely brother @sandex
Thanks for your compliment about me in the public. I am really happy felt honoured


This is an empty deodorant can! I'll try to keep this short and less emotional. This body spray was given to me half way when i visited my girl friend. I like the smell on her so i asked her to give it to me and get another one. She begged me on buying my own on my way out but i insisted on that very one. After a few months, out of the blues, i got a message from her telling me we should just forget about it and move on with our lives. I tried to get her talking about it but she refused. She blocked me on every social media and don't take my calls. Its been 2years now and i still miss her. Some people come into your life and you just can't forget them. The only thing i try to remember is that smell, so each time i miss her i take the container and percieve it. It may sound funny that I've been keeping an empty can for two years... It all i have left of her. It relieves me and gives me fresh memories. I intend to keep it as long as i can. Its more than a "can" to me.

I wouldn't call it funny, most people would say that is weird, or stalkerish, lol but I get that sometimes you can love someone so much that having a piece of something they own can give comfort, but normally that is when they had died. Maybe in your mind, it is your way of grieving for the death of the relationship

I love and cherish my brother Jerry cause he is the only brother I have and it took many years after I was born before he came into this world . he is a very good companion to me and has cured my lonelines without a sibling .ebuks pics.jpg


I really cherish my education. That a picture of my matriculation with @aytim. Education is the key. Without education i dont even think i will know of steemit

This post has received a 3.09 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @tecnosgirl.

Your contest was added to Steemit Contest Compilation (19.02-25.02): Win free SBD and STEEM
Thank you @tecnosgirl for giving Steemians a chance to win some SBD and original luggage tag.

You got a 1.03% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @tecnosgirl!
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But in truth what I love most in this world is my family they are always with me in good times and bad I love them very much when I stumble and fall they help me get up my family are the most wonderful people in this world if I had another life after this is the only thing that my god asked him to do so my family will do the same I love them very much

These are not your images. I am google searching all images submitted. Did you not fully read how to enter. There was one rule the image you share you have to own as in taking it yourself or a close friend or family member took it with your device.