If that happens it happens. Not really able to stop someone from running with any of the ideas that are posted here.
My reach is so small and so few people read comments it's really not something I'd say is a real concern. Now if I was a whale and hundreds of people read my every post maybe that would be different.
If you are truly concerned about it we could chat on discord...but I typically never use it so we would have to figure out a time.
Ok, if you do not mind, it should not bother me.
Here it comes :) :
My idea is to write speeches. That's a simple idea .. I know;) ... write speeches but to whom?
There may be different addressees. Such as a speech to the UN or, in principle, to the whole world population, with content that revolves around the people, the earth, our environment etc.
Or a fantasy speech to the population of a paralell universe, where the problems can be very different. Whatever someone can imagine ;)
Or to put it on the personal track - a speech to yourself.
Or a speech to all children of the earth.
Or even to all animals or to your own pet ;)
There are many ways to deal with serious issues or just fun topics.
This could result in very interesting posts...i think :).