Love that 'silver'
Stacker to stacker... What are your thoughts on the 1/10 platinum coins? I am pretty set on the other metals (but I;m always looking for more 'silver') and thinking about dumping some crypto into platinum. The silver sale is epic, but platinum pricing under gold seems like a good buy.
thanks mate, i dont actually own any platinum it would be nice to have some but gold always gets my money when its not silver. If i had enough money to spend i would get a bit tho just to diversify :)
Platinum should be more than gold. It just shows how messed up the prices are from bank manipulation. I do agree with you. If Chase / Morgan is stock piling silver while they ride out their shorts, I'm going to follow. If you can't beat them, join them (quietly). I just like grabbing some of everything.
Before the FEDCOIN comes out. What an ICO that is going to be. Watch the bond market when they introduce it.