I truly loved the photo I used in Round 12! It still cracks me up when I reminisce about the social behaviour Southern Elephant seals display to one another when they are in a 'wallow', which is a term used when molting elephant seals group together in order to conserve body heat.
As always, the entries were awesome and they made me smile, as usual! Thanks for everyone who participated and joined in the fun! However, there can only be 3 winners per round and they are...
1st Place
”Don’t ever wake me this early again!“
2nd Place
”When you hit your little toe”
3rd Place
~ @rentmoney ~ @akaem ~ @conideas
The Rules are simple:
1.In the comments below write a caption about what you believe the animal or animals are thinking/saying.
2.Only 2 comments/entries per photo MAXIMUM
3.HAVE fun and be creative otherwise what is the point :)
Side note: upvoting & resteeming isn’t a rule because I am not that type of person to force you to do it order to join in - BUT it is greatly appreciated. If this contest gets bigger and bigger than the winnings will in turn become bigger and bigger
1st place - 5SBD
2nd place - 3SBD
3rd place - 2SBD

Dont forget to Upvote & Resteem!!!
All stories & photographs are of my own work unless noted under the picture in question.
For more stories and photos check out my Instagram feed
Check out my website new website too - Just BCOZ Photography
Dad! Mom! My friends say I'm adopted
1- Mom, Dad, at school everybody call me clueless. But kid, to begin with we are not your parents
2- Just like when you don't make a difference between the freezer and your house
Caption 1
Today we will be happy! Total and crazy we are
Caption 2
Now that they fell asleep, I'm going to start crying
1)Hey... excuse me... are you the plug?
2)Oh shit, are you the guy who was trying to eat me at Happy Feet?
Thank you so much!
After a long night taking care of the child...
Mom, Dad, I’m hungry!! Wake up!! Come on!!
-Tom, go change the baby
-Arg my god, againg?
-Cousins, let's play hide and seek!
-Oh god, this child never sleeps?!
Walrus 1: he believes we are asleep
Walrus 2: whatever comes, we do not eat them
Awesome, Thank you very much !
My entries for this week :
"Everyone come and see, Jesus just arrived"
"You two wouldn't be so fat if you didn't lay around all day"
"We are not fat, we are big blubbered"
"Nothings beats a warm sunbath"
Haha! Here is my entry! :D

"come on you guys. Is that all you've got. You gotta shake dat blubber butt.
Can we eats it?
Penguin thinks to himself, “I need to be light as a feather, quiet as a mouse, for I fear to awaken the sleeping giants!” As he tip toes along.
Penguin: If you want to eat me roll like a dog!
Sealion right: Like this?
Sealion left: Stupid!
You can't catch me PIGS!
HAHA! He said you are a pig man!
No ma.. he is talking to you!
"Hey, fat guys...get up and walk...do not laze on...or you'll die of obesity ..." said the penguin😀😃❤
Mom!dad ! I can fly
Fuck y'all fatties looking at... I ain't nobody's lunch
Congratulations to all winner🙂. Here is my entry for the contest:
First caption - When you realize it's almost weekend
Second caption - When your girlfriend farts in her sleep and everyone is awake
My entry :-
When you are feeling sleepy during exam and your friend is asking for additional sheet of paper.
When you try to fall sleep during work and your boss walks by.
When your parents were having some sexy time and you accidentally walked in the room and they quickly jumped apart from each other and you were like
"Am I in the wrong timing?"
Congratulations to the winners :)
"When you mom enters in your room and you pretend to be asleep"
Check out this bellyflop!
You guys are wasted as fuck move your fat asses!!!
Seal 2: Yes, but I am too full to chase it. :D
Coach Penguin: Come on guys! 50 more reps and we are halfway to halfway!
3 in 1
You see, in this world, there’s two kinds of people, my friends, Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig fatty
"Come on guys, we just had only two bottles of alcohol and you guys are already drunk."
"how will I take my two fat friends home? Hmmmm oh well since I can't help I will join here I comeeee wwwweeeeeee.
"Come on guys, we just had only two bottles of alcohol and you guys are already drunk."
"how will I take my two fat friends home? Hmmmm oh well since I can't help I will join here I comeeee wwwweeeeeee.
photo bomb
Caption "Chilling with the whales" lol
Beat it! This is my ice raft
When it's 3 am and your son does not want to go to sleep.
How do you feel when you are 30 years old and you see teenagers running.
This is cool how can I get @tts to comment with this audio option on my posts?