Thank YOU @kristyglas for being a fantastic contestant and for giving us such an excellent insight into how you go about creating your beautiful work. I hope you have great success with your contest and if I can do anything to help support you then please don't hesitate to ask. :)
Have a wonderful, winning day Kristy! :)
Thank you so much! It was really a pleasure entering the animals contest. The pictures you chose were irresistible :D
If you don't mind I'll send you the contest link tomorrow after I post it. I decided this contest will last total of 3 weeks so those who have never drawn dragons have a chance to try ^^ (and so we can gather SBD prize pool for next contest)
Please do Kristy. I look forward to it and will of course support your contest in any way I can. It sounds like a lot of fun! :)
Awesome, I hope it will be :D
And it was my pleasure. You are most welcome! :)
I finally posted the contest :D
I hope you join: