It's Time to Vote for your favorite(s)
The time is now! Quite a few wonderful Digital Artists came out to showcase their abilities and provide designs for this contest. The winning 3 people will have their design/designs possibly used now or in the future on some EOS Go Gear (t-shirts, hats, etc) to help fund community expenses, projects, etc. Take a look at the Original Submission Post to see the criteria that were asked of the contestants.

How to Vote
- Upvote this post.
- Vote on your favorites in the comment section below. When Voting please specify the Steemit name(s) and if you have a favorite selection (if they have provided more than 1) then please also mention your favorite selection number as well. You are more than welcome to vote on one piece, multiple, and even multiple artists.
- You can only vote once for the same artist. If you like multiple pieces by the same artist then just specify which ones in the same comment.
- Voting will end on March 6th at 11:59pm EST
These votes will be tallied and be used the final scoring to help make the final decision.








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I vote for @alpasee n.2 and penderis n.1
Thank you @thunder1
@dksart #9 the best
the designs are @penderis also cute
@dksart #8 is my vote
I vote for @dksart design number 1.
this is amazing
@dksart #5 and #10
I vote for @dksart #1.
I like the designs of @dksart especially the numbers 6
@dksart #8
I'm putting in a vote for @dksart. ;) I think #1 is my favorite out of the bunch.
I love how, in the original submission, it shows how fantastic dan looks in the shirt design no. 1 ;)I'm putting in a vote for @dksart
I vote for @dksart design number 1.
It looks like an interesting conversion starter. With the single tone color it is easy to change it to whatever color someone prefers. It also got enough going on it to make someone go “what is that” and hence the conversion starter.
It also looks rather unique design and won’t be confused with other products on the market. Which fix perfect with the overall brand and it's bold overtone and confidence that EOS has.
I leke post @ alpasee09
my pick is @penderis 1 or 2 - I can see the design in other neon colours, although that pink is hot.
very good work @penderis (5) (1)
He absolutely smashed it with those designs! Sick work my friend! Coming from one designer to another, you have a great style, I’m digging it. Definitely following you now.@penderis @penderis @penderis
They are all very cool but my favorites would have to be
@penderis design 1, and 3
l like post @alpasee09 1 and 2 very good
Wow, I will come up with something here soon. Great!
This contest has ended. This is now voting on submissions that have already been submitted. I will not be accepting any more at this time.
I vote for me :)
Okay I understand thank you
i really ike @jogreh desings 2 and 3
really ike @erickrivera , desings 2 & 3
I leke @ alpasee09
I like post @alpasee09
Nice beautiful @alpasee09
@alpasee09 nice
l like post @alpasee09 very goot post
I like number 3 @alpasee09
Post @alpasee09 very good
@alpasee09 contes namber 1
I like desaint @alpasee09
Good luck :)I think @alpasee09 no.2 very nice..
Wow! that is very cool, I will choose @alpasee09 variant 1 and 5.
Bereh that @alpasee09
@alpasee09 memang hana dua 🤵👌
Ee good that post @alpasee09
Like desaint @alpasee09
@alpasee09 #4
l like post @alpasee09 very goot post
I chose link no 3 that is @alpasee09
I prefer the design results @alpasee09, no 1 and 4.
I vote for @alpasee09 #1, because when I imagine that someone would wear it on his T-shirt, that is not taking too much place and I do not think that people would like to have such complicated pictures and definitely so bright colors. It is simple, easy to recognize, takes not much place on T-shirt.
WOW they are all amazing made picking one to vote for very hard
I will have to go with @alpasee09 number 2 and 3 love the design and both colors of it are very cool
happy to see these raisiing up !nice work ! @eosgo
@alphasee09 (4) (5)
I vote for @anonimous #1