Hey people of steem,
Go books!
For this contest let me know what the last thing you read is? I am looking for books here not magazines :p. If you add a photo of the book you get bonus points. If you have a book you want to read but haven't gotten around to it you can take a photo and post that as well.
Three winners :)
I am reading "The Hobbit", I like medieval stories very much and I am a big fan of "The Lord of the Rings".
Amazing, thanks :D
Here are the last 5
But ... as a true geek, if you haven't "read" this, do it

The book is 100X better than the movie.
WINNER for have a list.
And I remember reading that years ago.
Thanks again. I've been enjoying your posts/contests. Keep up the good work!!
Last thing I read is Big Sur, by Jack Kerouac. His incredible, depressing but truly beautiful last book, when he reached the bottom of his alcoholism and was affected with delirium tremens.
WINNER because I used to read a lot of older lit and that author was one of the ones I missed. When I get back into it will have to pick up that one or On The Road
Nice, thanks! What do I win?
Also I very much recommend Dharmma Bums by Jack Kerouac.
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An upvote at 100%
The last full on book I've been reading is David Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. It's a great piece on epistemology or the way human beings gather and verify information in a rigorous and systemic way.

But if you count technical papers the last thing I read was the BAT whitepaper. If you're not familiar with BAT it's a token built off of the Brave browser which was designed to increase data and battery efficiency by blocking ads and trackers and rewarding users for their attention to advertisements with the BAT token. I can't get into too much detail but I think it has HUGE potential; it's built by industry experts that helped build Firefox; and it's at a pretty low price of about $0.30 which means there's potential for a huge ROI.
Interesting read.
I am still reading this book by Adrian J. Walker set in Scotland. I am following the trails of Ed(main character) in which is his looking for his family which was brought to the south of Ediburgh in the middle of an attack which killed thousands of people in the world.
I am sorry to hear you almost lost your life but glad you to hear you made it.
The thirty nine steps, written by John Buchan in 1938 it's pretty an old prose really, but I don't know if you're interested in old books like I am but I saw it iny grand father's old things he must have read it in school, Lol not everyone is fan
I like classics but that is one I have yet to read
I'm reading the book Developing the Leader Within You by John C Maxwell, but the spanish version

If you are struggling with your life then you must read this book. You definitely find the solution after reading this book, in practical way.
looks interesting
Currently, I am finishing up my degree in Nursing, and that has not left me a lot of time for leisurely reading. I am a huge fan of Good Mythical Morning (on YouTube), and was excited to get their book once it came out. This is a very entertaining, non-fictional book. The way it is laid out, I am able to pick up right where I left off, even if its been days since I have read it last. I am about half way in and cannot wait to finish it!
Congrats on the degree :). Such a noble profession.
I watched a video on how much content they make a week, its crazy.
Thank you so much @whatageek. Yes, it amazes me what all they do! I really enjoy all their work :)
My companion book these days "The Green Mile" Stephen King.

Who doesn't appreciate Stephen King
i am reading a book history Ratu Tajul Alam Safiatuddin Syah he was a woman of the Royal Kingdom of Aceh who bravely opposed the Dutch occupation in Aceh in the past
I read all the GoT books, and waiting R.R George Martin...

Those are on my list of things to read.
I'm partial to a good old thriller.
Same here :)
I never bought into the self-help book craze. Mark Manson however surprised me with this one. I went through it in less than a week and laughed my a** off while actually learning something.
Had this on my Kindle for a while, but never got to it until now. And it's sooo much fun... I'm reading it in Ozzy's voice...
Michael Catt did a theoretical cum practical step by step approach to living a courageous life. I love this book.
Just finished this. Excellent. I"m into the 19th century historic novels right now. Indians. Expansion into the west. Conflict. Very compelling.

I m just watching Steemfest videos, live streams :)
I’m currently reading 12 rules for life by Jordon Peterson
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I don't read books
I usually fall asleep while reading a book, so I just gave up on books.
Ihmeitä ("Miracles"), a book about mentalism and magic by a Finnish mentalist Pete Poskiparta.

The fault is of the cow is a book that talks anecdotes and reflections. It is an excellent because it helps us to reflect and make the best decisions.
I were reading Da vinci code. After reading Angels and Demons I got extremely interested in literature and the writing world in general.
Angels and Demons and Da vinci code are novels written by Dan Brown; these novels are about sings, antique mysteries, thriller and some touch of action. It is really catchy how Dan Brown made a full story based on buildings and places and probably secrets that already exist, but you didn't know.
I haven't finished Da vinci code, but I full read Angels and Demons and is so unbelievable.
Banksy: Wall and Piece
Not a lot of words, but a lot of smart art in this one.
And there are some good quotes as well, like:
“Imagine a city where graffiti wasn't illegal, a city where everybody could draw whatever they liked. Where every street was awash with a million colours and little phrases. Where standing at a bus stop was never boring. A city that felt like a party where everyone was invited, not just the estate agents and barons of big business. Imagine a city like that and stop leaning against the wall - it's wet.”
"Any advertisement in public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It belongs to you. It's yours to take, rearrange and re-use. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head."
Somehow made me take a closer look at street art in my city and also woke up the urge to create.
Te recomiendo este, un gran motivador para liberar todos esos sentimientos reprimidos en nuestro interior y otro modo de afrontar las cosas cuando creemos que todo está perdido. !
[] "existen tres llaves hacia el presente: la atención de lo que piensas, la percepción de lo que sientes y la consciencia de lo que haces"
This is the book i'm currently reading, because i want to enhance my writing and speaking skills