The Deadpost Initiative! - Week 19 - Share your most undervalued work + week 18 winners ($10 STEEM prize pool)

in #contest7 years ago

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last week

Last week saw a bit less engagement than usual but there were some nice undervalued posts as always. This week had some nice sketches and some very random posts about thoughts and emotions and theories. I hope we can get the engagement back to what it has been in the past this coming week though! Rock on guys.

Last Week's Winners

@lavidaesunviaje - $ 3 Steem prize

This post is LOADED with awesome drawings by @lavidaesunviaje. I think he could have easily turned this in a series of posts rather than just one. I really like his style and it makes me want to try making something visual for a change. I caught the flower of life there too, always fun to see that pop up ;-P

Drawings! (obviously im not so good... :P )

@professorhobo - $ 2 Steem prize

I was waiting for @professorhobo to mature enough to be able to post deadposts like the rest of us. ;-P I don't expect this will be the last time that he wins. In here he posts about talking to water, and I promise you he doesn't sound like a crazy hobo, this was actually a quite popular study he talks about and a cool one at that.

Secrets of consciousness in water

@breakthrough - $ 2 Steem prize

@joe.public - $ 1 Steem

I totally disagree with this post! I want everyone to agree with me...No I'm just kidding this is an awesome post that was nominated by @joe.public. It nearly breaks every rule of the deadpost initiative (I think we have two), it's not a month old but, I don't like rules so I'm happy to break them. The title is pretty self explanatory, but it's definitely worth a read!

Powerful People Can Maintain Relationship While Disagreeing

@inuke - $ 2 Steem prize

@inuke talks about ghosts that exist within. This is more emotional and less scary than the title will leave you to believe. I really like this guy (I probably shouldn't say that cause I like everyone up here today) and expect good things from him in the future.

I'm telling you, ghosts do exists.

Week 19


Share your best Deadpost in the comments!

The best posts will be rewarded with half of the payout from this post (or a minimum of $10 SBD or STEEM, split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.

•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.

Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.

Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)

The prize pool will be half of the post payout or at least $10
I'm still looking for SP delegation to offer larger upvotes on all submissions. If you can help, please let me know :-)

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.

On this old post I shared my amazing experience on the full moon gathering in lake atitlan, guatemala!!!

Great photos and it looks like a great time too!

The beauty of the experience that you relay cannot be denied or ignored.

I really enjoyed the narrative and the pictures throughout.

Your special friend sounds like she had a blast.

This has my vote. :c)

Awesome. Gatherings like this are powerful!

Amazing experience!

Wow! I wanna be there for the next full moon!
sounds like a lot of fun and love!!! :)

It's full moon. Time to release the old and unwanted.

I like most the sense of simplicity and freedom in your post/journey. Please share more experiences like this one.

You would love San Marcos la Laguna in Lake Atitlan!

It was really amazing and she’s still my lady! 😍🙂

Political posts don't tend to get far on Steemit. It kind of depends on who is posting them (the whale factor I guess 'shrugs').

Here is one of those that fell by the way-side.

Is it Not Time to Put Our Hearts Into Ending Terrorism?


Thanks, as always, for organizing the Dead Posts Initiative. ^_^

@pathforger: You certainly deals with some real topics. Topics that may put you under a lot of scrutinies. Please be careful and safe.
As per your views, I agree completely. If you want to fight someone or something that is changing constantly you have to evolve too. And this is applicable for everything here in India we are trying to define something which is of this age under the terms and conditions that were set by the standard of our forefathers. It simply will not work

Thank you kindly for your vote, your comment and your concern. :c)

This was one of those 'Emperor has no clothes' plays designed to get some people to reassess their relationship with 'terror'.

The most important thing is not to lose ourselves to such events, genuine or contrived, that seek to coerce entire peoples down paths predetermined. Readiness in resistance is a sure if secondary priority.

I find it funny, even though we are from different places and cultural backgrounds. The mentality and behaviour over certain things are same. Especially the "emperor has no clothes" concept.. leaders denials and followers belief.

That was a great post @pathforger, so very sad that we as well as our governments do not seek to respect and understand, it's all a game of power!

Thank you kindly @lizelle ^_^

Yes, our World is full of joys but at the same time there are forces that seek to undermine that for the benefit of the very fiew. In pursuit of power they court folly.

I prefer to think that governments are incompetent rather than villainous - but as time wears on it grows harder to chalk it up to the former.

This falling by the way-side is similar to the american people reacted when they found out the NSA has been spying on us. Wasn't until mainstream media started making a fuss about it when the american people started to get a little more concerned. Now, it's like yesterdays news...

This is how opinion-engineering faux-democracy works. When the damning comes to light, first downplay it and then orchestrate a bait-and-switch such that the public's attention is diverted elsewhere.

And then it 'does' become merely 'yesterday's news'...

Thank you @artbyclark :c)

Its a really nice article and I must say terrorism has always been a distant brother of politics and they wouldn't get any of the arms and ammunition too if it weren't for politicians,
and this has given rise to tyrants like KJU.
If we ever wipe out terrorism completely it will be after we choose our representatives wisely.
Am really happy you shared your thoughts.

It took me a while to figure out who KJU was. :cP

Thank you kindly @thethinker007.

While I would quite agree that the roots of terrorism are primarily political, I hesitate to grant the two areas a status of natural kinship. I do so for arbitrary reasons as the connection certainly is easy enough to draw.

Agreed also that it will require the wise choosing of our representatives to provide hope in bringing terrorism to an end. That being said, the political system itself is corrupt and designed to pervert the peoples' ability to do so. Opinion-engineered faux-democracy (or demockerycy as I like to call it) is what is practiced in most so-called democratic nations.

Thank you again for your comment and vote :c)

I admit that I am not usually inclined to pay much heed to artistic works (its kind of how I am). However I found your work and the process of how it came to be was so well done that I couldn't ignore it. Plus you did a really good job.

I am not particularly familiar with the Naruto anime series but the emotions that you portray here look 'right'.

This has my vote.

I get that and it's understandable. The fact that you found my work and process well done means a lot to me. It tells me that I'm doing something right if I can get someone, who normally doesn't pay much heed to artistic work, to tell me how much they liked it. Thank you for that and I really appreciate it. I spend a lot of time recording my videos and putting together my post. I just fell that including more in your art post along with videos helps to make things a lot more interesting.

Yeah, Metal Lee, the younger one is Rock Lees son. They are all about training their bodies and his son Metal Lee tends to get real down on himself when he messes up. His father is extremely encouraging though and you can see both of these things in the photo. Naruto is my all time favorite anime and I grew up watching Rock Lee when he was a young teenager like myself at the time. Now I see him all grown up with a son whose the same age as when I first started watching his dad. Take care @pathforger :)

I like the Naruto series. In fact, I got so hooked up that every Thursday I would wait for the release. But I must say that towards the end when the characters got too OP. The storyline got sidetracked and It was just brawn (or the mangekyou eyes) and no brains. But I can this took a lot of efforts. In fact, I recall watching an interview of the writer that the character design was difficult and time-consuming.

Yeah, Naruto is one of my all time favorites. I grew up watching the show at the same age Naruto was when the show first air in the US. It's cool seeing him older now in the Boruto anime. A lot of the characters where OP but I like that in my opinion because there's so much that each character can do and there's room for more growth. Ultimately the anime series came to an end though :/

Great drawing @artbyclark . I'm sure the drawing took a lot of time and effort. Hope you get better rewards.

Thank you! Yeah, it took a few hours to complete...

I really like the 'sketchy' feeling in your art. I always believe that it's the roughness of the drawing that makes it more attractive. And the kid looks so adorable too!
I've never really watched Naruto but I've heard there's a story of all the characters growing up and getting married. I think that's cute and not something we always get to see in anime. I usually stay away from long series because of the amount of filler episodes they have... But I'm tempted to try this one.
Also, I think that's really nice of you to let the viewers see your art supplies. That is something I believe we all should do. When I was starting, I'd often struggle to find the art supplies that were 'good enough' to use for a beginner.
Thank you for making the post. It's such a disappointment that arts district beautiful go unnoticed sometimes. People really did miss out. :(

Thank you @ryunamist! I'd agree that the roughness does make it look more attractive. Also, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that Naruto, or rather Naruto Shippuden is my all time favorite anime. I'd recommend you watch it because the anime ended and you can simply skip all the filler episodes. I'm a little jealous because this was not possible for me when I was watching the anime since all the episodes were brand new back then. I started watching this anime when I was around 13 or 14. It's funny because Naruto was about the same age. I watched him grow up and to now have kids of his own in a new anime they came out with called Boruto, whose Narutos son.

Yeah, I actually had someone suggest to start including the pictures in my post. I'm glad they did because it helps others out a lot and makes the post more interesting. I've been there too with scrambling to find the right supplies and I'll even admit that I still do that with certain items. Yeah, it does suck a little that a lot of art goes unnoticed :/. That's why we have to keep this up so that one day we can be some of the reasons people are more inclined to check out there peoples art :) Take care!

I'll definitely try watching Naruto then! It's pretty long but I'll manage somehow. Also, including supplies is a really nice idea and I'd use it in the future myself. I think it's not only about creating good art but also helping people to find the right path so that they can create their own :)
You're right about having to keep creating. We fail the moment we stop trying. And I'm not willing to give in yet :)

Very good picture

Thank you!

Wow! Nice artwork. Dont understand, why so small to upvotes!!!

Thank you :) I don't know either. A lot of my pieces are like hit and miss. I'm getting better at promoting though so it has been a little better.

Follow you : )

Just returned the favor :)

it really deserved more love, great artistic work :)

My worst best moment in life. Pretty crazy story.

Sooo well written and a heartfelt story too. There is so much shame around the low points in our lives. It is great that you used it to change things and can now reflect on it as a positive thing.

Thank you :)

I really loved your post. I'm 20 and going through my first year in college. I feel most of what you felt. I don't drink and party, but I'm mostly cut off from everyone else and trying to find a direction in life. I don't have an aim I could confidently pursue.
Maybe we really do need that push which makes us do things we didn't ever think we'd do. Something that drops us so low that we couldn't sink lower. I'm still struggling to find myself but I'm sure I'm getting closer day by day.
Thank you for writing so openly about everything. It really gives me a positive feeling about life. The fact that you turned everything around and managed to shake off that heavy feeling is really motivating!

Wow I really appreciate your feedback. And I'm glad you found some value in my story.

Awesome story @stephenparato, so glad you found your way up again, must have been quite frightening!

Thank you :)

You have presented a model of real transformaion. Thanks for sharing. Eckhart tolle and Osho are really good choice keep up.

This is an amazing idea! Thanks, @whatamidoing!

This post Open Is My Word of the Day had a sense of rightness to it. Everything seemed to conspire to make it happen.

Despite not believing in astrology myself, I would like to tell you shouldn’t feel embaressed about something you believe. Thanks for sharing.

Hello @whatamidoing. Thanks for this initiative.
Here is my entry:
It literally takes nothing to happiness


So very true @alignment, so many people are so desperate in their search for happiness but they forget to look inside first as that is where true happiness comes from. Glad I found you through the Deadposts but sad this post was not seen by more steemians!

Thank you @lizelle. The pleasure is mine.

Here is my Halloween poetry spoken word special. I guess everyone was out trick-or-treating as it made a pathetic $1.61 ;-) Thanks to @whatamidoing for the chance to revive it for new listeners:

Thanks for hosting this! I was very proud of my "Trading Cryptos: 10 Things I Learned in My First Month That You Need to Know," until it earned 0.00 :-(. Here's the post:

A few weeks ago I made a post with a picture, which was gradually photographed and posted in my blog. But for some reason a few people appreciate it.


I like distant mountains in the fog!

А мне яркая желтая трава

Почему-то мне напоминает жёлтое озеро с отражениями

Awesome painting! But the link to your post is broken. You might want to fix that :)

Oh sorry)

Great! Your post is really awesome. As someone who is struggling to use water colors, I really find posts like yours very helpful. Not to mention you've really put effort into making your post as informative as possible. It's sad that it went unnoticed like that. :(

I'd be lying if i say i didn't think that you were the one who sold a lot of bitcoin's for two pizza's after reading first few lines :D

Thank you @whatamidoing, I really like this dead post and I love it when people actually go through my post and gives me feedback. Thank you. Here is my entry for the week.

Game of Throne : Corporate Version


There is only one god, and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today'. Good post!

I guess I'm the only one that doesn't watch Game of Thrones. @inuke

I was in that list off quit sometime but recently I moved to GOT fanbase.. I still has a lot to catch up on..😂

I guess I'll also catchup someday! 😂

I completely agree. And this is the most visually appealing Steemit post I've ever seen!

Thanks a lot for your kind words.
I lost my bandwidth after that :D

In bitcoin we trust!

Very clever use of formatting! I really like the newspaper layout. It immediately lends a sense of professionalism to your article, and lets readers know a good amount of time and effort has gone into its production.

And on the topic of Bitcoin, I think your analysis is spot on. Five years from now, we'll look back on the current price decline and be really proud we didn't sell.

I can't thank you enough for your kind words :)

I love your article and I do agree with others that it's really visually appealing. It really brings out the professionalism as well as the creativity behind creating it.
However, I'm not sure if your post is qualified for this contest since the rules say it must be at least a month old (yours is only 12 days).
Nonetheless, I'm glad you decided to share it here. It really deserves the attention of viewers way more than it did.

Thank you so much!
Am just 23 days old here sir
Last time too i shared after i asked should i share it?
Still am happy atleast it got some recognition :)

I see! I hope you keep making posts. You'll go far with this :)


Here's one of my first posts. Apparently I got nothing for it. The post is about a museum in Trivandrum, India.
Here is the link for the post : Napier museum

The museum looks lovely! I'm from India myself but I've never been to Kerala. I've heard it's a beautiful place. Not to mention the soil in your pictures is the finest I've seen in monuments here. The museum looks really neat and well maintained. You must be glad to be a visitor :)

You should really consider visiting here someday! Kerala is definitely beautiful and I live here. :)

I spent a much time doing this hard work, and almost nobody noticed that...

This is a great idea. But what is this??

Это производственный комплеск по горячему цинкованию изделий из металла ))) метров восемь в длину, кстати )


Всё бы вам хихикат, Ксения. )

Nice model! I have also done some 3D modelling before. I used blender then. It does take a lot of hardwork to make these.

Oh! I am so glad of someone can to understend this : )) Thanks!

This is an awesome idea!

Amazing posts seem to be left in the dust here more than anywhere else, and using the search doesn't seem to help find many great ones.

I'll toss one in here:

I'll swing back in here when I have the chance to vote some of these

Resteemed ya too

I love this post because it already helped me! Well written and genuinely interesting.

Hey @whatamidoing, thanks for the opportunity to revive our sadly departed deadposts :)
One of my favorite undervalued posts was a kind of fun parallel I drew between the fragrances in my garden and people's character traits:
What fragrance do you leave behind

Wow! This is a very interesting and helpful contest for content creators.
Well, I think my drawing of Juvia Lockser could've done better than it did. So this is my entry for the contest!


I think it could have done a lot better than $0.19 also. I think it's a lot harder for artist to generate on their post unless they have a lot more SP vested into their account. I love the different hues of blue in your drawing. The light coloring on the ice stands out to me as well. I know how tough it can be to color and how long it can take. I think you did a great job on this if it's worth anything. Keep it up though. I have a lot of post where I barely make anything from my artwork. I don't let that stop me though and I hope you wont either. Many will probably miss, but some will hit :)

Thank you for your feedback! I won't stop drawing since it's something I really love. It might be tough for us to grow but there's always a chance.

I like it!!

Thank you :)

Seems this is gathering true momentum ~ good for you!


Thought I'd join in again this week if that is ok with you?

HERE is my post which is 28 days old ~ a light month but hopefully still valid?

Little One.jpg

It is the prologue to my book *Mama, Mama Are You There? *which is a true story of love, hope, triumph and my interactions with the spiritual realm.

Thanks alot @whatamidoing.

With Love.


Thank you whatamidoing that is awesome I humbly accept. You're quite right I'm not mad it's all the others.

Thanks for your good posts, I followed you!

@pathforger: You certainly deals with some real topics. Topics that may put you under a lot of scrutinies. Please be careful and safe.
As per your views, I agree completely. If you want to fight someone or something that is changing constantly you have to evolve too. And this is applicable for everything here in India we are trying to define something which is of this age under the terms and conditions that were set by the standard of our forefathers. It simply will not work.......