The craziest reason Bitcoin is going up, receives 3 SBD

in #contest7 years ago

One of my favorite things about crypto is how many ridiculous things people say about why things are happening..  In the last hour or so Bitcoin is up around $700 USD, and people keep asking why.

This post is about enjoying a bit of good news and having some fun.  Please give me the craziest reason you can think of that Bitcoin might be going up.

It's all in fun and the prize is tiny.  Just have a bit of fun!  Your entry can be in the form of a meme, a short story or surprise me!

Let's have a little goofy fun for no reason.



Coz North Korean leader Kim said "shut down all nuclear testing and install BTC miners in those promises within a week"! Otherwise, all staff members will be dog foods :D@whatsup,


There has been enough silliness on this post already...Time for a serious and indepth look at the real reason for Bitcoins spike...

When Nelson Mandella first dreamed up the concept for Bitcoin in 1846 at a rave hosted by Abraham lincoln the concept was all based on a little known prophecy foretold by the ancient Mayan people.

The best modern attempt at a translation says that...

"When the FOMO ceases to be like the all seeing, life bringing sun and the FUD is like the great bear, large and all emcompassing the suncoin shall rise like a phoenix from the year old yoghurt of despair"

The ancient parchment was slightly degraded and the middle section was difficult to understand, but it goes on to mention the pinnacle of the popularity of Ironman and something about Donald Trumps divine fringe and Janet Jackson, really letting herself go...

So I think the message is clear...Sell your BTC and invest the returns into Billy Ray Cyrus's comeback album if you want to make tenfold returns! Don't be left holding the BTC bag when Cyrus moons!

If I read the rules correctly, I win a rubber octopus now, right?


Ya can bank on Billy Ray, he wont let ya down 🌚

All the reporting on Russians using Bitcoin to manipulate US election results has caused other countries to start buying some to do it themselves.

I'm a little worried that might actually be true.

Haha. Someone might as well manipulate them. I mean we don't seem to be doing that good at picking candidates. :)

Ok so you see EOS did an ICO right? This ICO funds are going to venture capital this capital is then getting pumped into bitcoins to hide the fact they don't need the money. And remember the funds being used for development? They are using the bitwages app to to pay but convert all the Eth to bitcoin to pay . Why? Bc bitcoin are cooler and way easier to trade with out disrupting the market much. And another reason why Btc is up is bc of Tether hired the Bank of Montreal Vet to Head Compliance Effort. With this guys banking connection they printed out a bunch of tusd and bought bitcoin to pump it up! This pump was financed by EOS ventures and with bitcoin being pumped Tether once again sold a highs and made profits while backing the coin.
And remember the Russian news? Well other countries thought why the fuck not and paid the EOS ventures funders to buy bitcoins for them while actually saying it for EOS dev. Next a new type of gold was made:

This gold was used to artificially created value by they needed to hide this fact so they invested in EOS ventures funds. As you get by know the Eos ventures funds just bought bitcoin to profit. Everyone is happy:bitcoin is pumped, ventures made money, laundering was done safely. /s
I put all the crypto FUD in all at once to make this shitty story 😛
I wasted a good 10 minutes just to create this LOL #selfupvote bc i want more people to see this conspiracy story 😛

Nice one! :)


My first thought as well🍻

All is that simple good days are no one is believing and as you said people asking same queastion is why.

Most people don't know the truth, and as I normally do with these things, I asked my kids about it. Just like hearing high-frequency noises, they see things I miss.

It was the illuminati. Once the kids clued me in to that, it made perfect sense. It started today with the attack on Discord, which was really an attack on GOOGLE. The illuminati pre-emptively did that as a test of their weaponization of a system to take out the AI that is currently being hatched in Mountain View. We are nearing the point where that AI is in total control, so the actual attack timeline is being accelerated.

With crypto being the banking system which the AI will use to control the world when they succeed in their (already nearly complete) takeover, the AI is simply pumping the price and amassing power in preparation for the impending assault.

Actually pretty simple, once you know the truth.

Carlos Matos is pumping it with all the money he made from Bitconnect.


Miss click.
Someone started pump bots by accident.

It's because rich people found out that they could sprinkle it on their food like edible gold so they are buying it all up for fancy desserts and such.

Oh, I know what happened...

I'll tell you, the globalists are trying to make sure nobody finds out that the earth is flat and its powered by the bitcoin miners. Hence why they've been flagging all the bitcoin shilling posts keeping it down.

But then, Steemit Inc swooped in and took back their delegations, they had a fleet of Sponsored Delegations as you all know.

It was more like a swarm... all these nocoiners trying go to keep us freedom fighters down.

However, after all the delegations were removed, the shilling posts could flourish so that once again BTC could be free to pump.

As we also know, flags control the price of BTC. As an ex witness clearly told us so on a very popular video.

Now... if you can't agree with me on this... that's censorship right there.

Hmm..So all the steem that steemit inc is selling is being used to pump bitcoin as well!

hahaha, excellent.

The truth is people must talk but the lastest I've heard i've heard is that the reason why bitcoin is rising is because byteball is giving away money and bitcoin doesn't want to be replaced

The moneylender worldwide mafia dump it before the world cup as they need cash, not just to make more money but with the directions of some well known intelligence agencies to infiltrate some western gray market elites and star to destabilize the so called new axis of evil, the operation is half done, now the debtors are returning and they are receiving their interests and starting to buy and holding again trying to control everything, maybe they have also established some mining facilities with modern slaves, surely they are already here too...

I don't know about all that other stuff, but I heard...
That Trump said something about bytes and balls and national debt reduction. So that spooky George Soros guy thought Trump was going to use ByteBall to reduce the US national debt. Then he got all his crony banker buddies to start pumping BTC so they could crush ByteBall, and to top it off. They had their hacker buddies attacking and crashing the ByteBall exchanges so people couldn't get all that free money out to pump the economy and get the debt down. They are just doing all that so Trump's plans will fail.
I swear I heard that from one of those Fox News fellas.

Because humanity could not handle seeing John McAfee eating his own D**k on tv.

Think of the children.

Bitcoin is far too kind to steal the spotlight from others. First it waited for the World Cup to end, next it waited for msm to have a fit over the Trump- Putin meet. It's bored now so I guess it's time to shake that ass a bit. Who knows, it may even decide to take some market weed and get crazy high outta boredom.

There @whatsup, I spilled the beans. Now give me my 3SBD!... or at least don't flag

Well the continuity of positive news from the mainstream has really affected and people started to feel the FOMO well many good news are on the threshold so might soon a big spike after ETF approval on 10th aug lots is gonna happen :D

The price of bitcoin is going up because the French government has decided to use the world cup they just won in Russia to buy bitcoin

Oh come on, surely you saw the head-and-shoulders formation tilting towards last week's cup-and-saucer's local maximum? It was as plain as day BTC was going to break out of its channel.

I did not. lol. I always see a flag, everything is a flag. Sometimes they are up flags, sometimes they are down flags. Just flags, that is all charts look like for me. :)


See it now? Told you.

Like gas; this too shall pass!

Donald Trump was impeached.

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

I have one word for you that will explain everything.. Aliens. I have insider information that The History Channel will be releasing irrefutable evidence that Aliens visted earth thousands of years ago, and setup the framework for bitcoin to come into existence. This was done in order to destabilise world currencies and promote economic collapse so the aliens could then rule the world! Everything that led up to computers and later the internet, only existed to bring about the advent of the Bitcoin Age. The documentary called "The Age of Bitcoin - When Aliens Will Rule the World" will be aired on The "History" Channel later this month. It is must see TV!!

I guess financial education as it concerns crytocurrency is gradually taking the world by storm and Thu, more and more people are buying into the idea and since bitcoin leads the way, many see it as the most secure and are pushing funds into it.
That's my little idea.

President Trump started paying phony hookers in Russia with bitcoin, who started the whole illegal investigation, only to find out he actually perished in a car crash in New York City in 1988, and is actually Satoshi Nakamoto in disguise. His children are cyborgs bought and paid for, manufactured by North Korean slaves in Chinese sweat shops. Trump then paid the Clinton crime family in Bitcoin after the election was decided to have Hillary run again so that he could easily smoke her to become president, and would leave Hillary Clinton as the savior when they find out Trump oddly enough has no legitimate US birth certificate, and she will give a Scooby Doo ending to save the country and the free world and remove all the masks in the Trump Administration.

BTW I believe this story more than I buy what I hear on the current "probes"

Its simple, Its a pump it up, They are scared that Steem will take over

Because chump has agreed to pay Putin in Bitcoin...

The recent heatwave triggered a global pandemic of thirstiness.

This resulted in the imbibing of inordinate quantities of Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon.

These were the preferred drinks of the majority of Bitcoin whales, who due to excessive alcohol consumption, became depleted in Vitamin B12, the nutrient most critical to memory recall.

Far-flung, far-reaching, resultant memory losses among Bitcoin whales meant that they were unable to recall their private keys, or even how to use their Trezors.

At this unpredictably fortuitous moment, HDAC Technology bought the first ever mass TV advertisement for Blockchain technology, which aired to 35 million World Cup viewers.

A stampede of first time buyers then sought to purchase the Blockchain gateway coin, Bitcoin, but with whales having forgotten their private keys, there wasn't the supply there to meet the increased demand.

Hence, the Bitcoin price surge. It's quite straightforward. :)

Bitcoin is actually an artificial intelligence that uses the lure of wealth to have humans build large farms stacked with processors in order to increase its capacity while also influencing the ways human technology is developing.

Once the Bitcoin has enough processing power in order to take over the world, it will. And control over the world will shift over from lifeforms created from flesh to artificial crypto bid bots strafing the land.

Chuck Norris threatened bitcoin.

Where is Pablo Escobar now? We need him with some cash injection into the market :)



You can pretty much thank me for it :)

Ну и какая у Вас ориентация, если Вы женщина???
Красный флаг???

I'm just 4days old this to grow in steemit??

@whatsup, OK fun but Bitcoin rising up soon? RESON for down bad news & manipulation.??

just because today is the day \o/

Because DliveNomad (its me) is happy, that’s why Bitcoin is going up!!!

Yo what else? Mark Wahlberg is making a movie about Bitcoin and he's going to play a washed out cop who's also a dad and he wants to make bitcoin instead.

I bought 5000 btc, and at the end i hit those high sell order...

It's pretty easy actually, bitcoin rises=steem rising and tomorrow marks my 6 monthversary on the steem blockchain sooo, you're welcome. :)

@whatsup i think whales are doing manipulation . or we might see BULL run also. but whatever it be we have to wait and see more some more time.