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Few years ago I met a wonderful friend
Through Facebook. We've been friends for over 4years now an every year I look for a new way to surprise her especially when it comes to her birthday, so this month was her birthday and I had thoughts of buying her a gift, but couldn't guess what I should get. knowing too well That have gotten her gifts severally. I was now running out of ideas and this time I needed it to be something abstract and amazing. So after lots of brain storming I finally got an idea of what I was going to surprise her with.
A sketch of her
But unluckily for me she came earlier than expected. So my surprise package was unveiled before time. Now she had to stay and see me finish it. Making me nervous an all.
She liked it tho.
Materials used
Pencil HB
Drawing book
Hope you like it too
I like the tattoos. very cool.
I like it too
Lol.... thanks
nice sketch
Thank you
Nice job... your the one one who submitted art.. u got my support..
Thanks so much
really amazing :)
good job
good job
Thank you for your sharing
You're welcome
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