solo dejalo entrar en tu corazon y veras su maravilla no creas en los hombres ellos son traicioneros y cuando tu estas en las buenas tienes ique aimgos pero en las malas te dan la espalda no te dejes engañar solo DIOS es nuestro fiel amigo
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I respectfully disagree. You may of course believe as you wish.
My opinion is formed by the evidence I see around me and there is none that convinces me it is very likely that there is a god.
And if after my death I'm proven to be mistaken, I'll ask god why he allows so much suffering in this world. Why he let's innocent people starve or wither away while some evil men appear to have all the luck in the world.
I'll ask him why he created man imperfect and than demanded of his creation to be perfect only to punish them by throwing man out of the garden of Eden while he must've known beforehand man would eat the fruit of knowledge.
I'll ask him why he insists on us believing in him and him alone based on poor evidence and demanding from us to love him and promising us an eternity of torture in hell if we don't comply.
How are these qualities of a caring and loving god I ask you? They seem more to be the ravings of a mad man.
I believe god is created by man and not visa versa. And that this idea of god has been used as an excuse to exert power over other people trough centuries. I personally am done with that. I'm done with god. I don't believe. And that doesn't make me a bad person. And I encourage anyone who has doubts about the story that is spun by priests and prophets to question those tales and to look further. Religion stifles critical thinking and I say cast it off like you cast off the believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth-fairy and unicorns. Oh wait, scrap that last parts. Unicorns are real! As for the rest, be free of that mental prison for it is nothing but a detriment to yourself and to society.
With respect,
eso no es culpa de DIOS eso es culpa nuestra porque antes de nacer mi padre nos dio dones y talentos para que triunfaramos pero el hombre se limito a no soñar y luchar por su sueño hermano estas equivocado el hombre no creo a DIOS nosotros somos imagen y semejansa de DIOS y el nos creo perfectamente y nos dio un libre alverdrio usted decide que ser si bueno o malo si pobre o rico porque los limites los trasamos nosotros y nuestro limite es el cielo eso de unicornio es es fantasia los caballos no tienen cuerno con todo respeto CRISTO vive y para siempre es su misericordia diga amen pero toda la humanidad tambien tiene un enenmigo que vino a matar hurtar y destruir usted decide o estas con DIOS o estas con el diablo es el que te quiere destruir no es el hombre tu lucha y mi lucha no es contra carne ni sangre si no contra el diablo que sierra tu mente para que no veas mas hya de tus nariz con todo respeto