I would like to submit these entries. Please consider them as a hybrid collaboration between two opposing aspects of myself that I am reconciling in the form of oracular work that I consider performance art: My PhD scientist self that sees various patterns in nature being nicely described by qabalah ... and my oracular aspect that does the 'performance art' via intuition as I analyze the symbols that have been cast.
I would like to submit two of my blog entries as representative examples of my work:
A blog entry where I did a spontaneous reading for a member of the SteemIt community in the comment section. How my intuition was able to lock in to her situation to comment on specific aspects is discussed:
And this post here... I was doing a reading for a SteemIt member of the community that is widely applicable:
I would also like to invite anybody reading this to feel free to get in touch with me if anybody is interested in a reading.
Thank you so much for submitting! The results are going up soon!