Today, I had the rare experience of being swept off my feet by a bio on Steemit. It did two things; made me laugh and told me exactly what the blog was about.
In my short time with @onequality, I have found that the temptation to write generic articles is very strong for upcoming Steemians, and sometimes too strong to overcome.
This got me thinking. If we could succinctly describe, in not more than 150 characters, who we are and what people can expect from our posts, then I think majority of us will be a lot more focused.
It's said that when you have no clue where you're going, every point you get to will look like your destination. Now what if the opposite was the case? What if we could define our purpose and goal? Won't it save us a lot of time wasted meandering?
Because it is called "goal" doesn't mean it has to be just one thing. It just means you're deciding to focus the bulk of your energy on these things.
satirical columnist and political commentator. And with the next sentence, you immediately get a taste of what to expect.@trafalgar is a
In light of this, I'll like the community to take on this task of writing a bio that describes you/your blog in not more than 150 characters.
The reward pool of 50 SBD will be shared amongst all eligible entries.
There'll be a special prize of 5 SBD each for two of my favorites.
You'll need to resteem this post for your entry to be eligible.
Please resteem this post to allow your followers know about this. The more people are able to pen down what they'll be offering the community, the more quality content we would have.
Steemit member @darthnava likes to blog about historical, technological and biological facts. Sometimes, he posts about himself if he's in the mood.
148 characters, upVoted and resteemed.
At my blog, you can read about things that interesting me like crypto, robots, tech, university, life and more. Give it a chance and read my blog.
147 characters hope you enjoy my Blog :)
Voted and resteemed
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @fisteganos!
I am Aashish from a beautiful land, Nepal. I am a programming student with an ever growing zest of technology. I also like philosophy and psychology.
I'm a student that likes to write about stuff that happen around me or about various social problems :)
i like your posts.
Thanks :)
I like your posts too.
Thanks mate ;)
70 yo. Open heart and mind, I talk story of real life in the 'trenches'; in music, spirituality, and positivity, for mind expansion and building community. Stay tuned, boundless posibilities.
This should be live in your bio section! Nice
New to all this. How to copy and send puzzling me.Thank you for the tip @fisteganos. I put similar on blog header.
Welcome @bilbop -- this guy's site has some vids on things that will help you enjoy your computer
Thank you for your consideration @clevercreator :-)
following you bilpop! :D nice bio. And:
If you click in front of the text, and hold the button in while dragging, you get a marked area of text.
hold "Ctrl" and "c" in simultaneously, with the desired text marked.
Your copied text is now in the clipboard of the computer. press
"ctrl" and "v" to paste it.
If you have a mac, tough luck. :)
Thank you for your consideration and following :L-)
My pleasure!
I am a lost person In this world, always lost or I would say isolated from most. The opinion people have around me where I live, I can't understand how can they see their life like that. They are not happy to live like that but they have to, because they have seen everyone to live and die like that. They are now forcing me to live as per their rules.
I am broke, i am lost, i am alone, and Now I have found steemit, Here I can say what I want and learn from a lot of people the other way of living, "The Unusual Way". And that's why I am here and that's who I am and that Is what I will write about here.
Great! Good to have you here.
Life is an interesting topic to write about!
Im learning lost is a good thing in the end, if you lost, it means you have everything and anything to find... magical :)
I feel a little magical after reading your comment.
Insurrectionary (A)narchist (ret) // Gen-X Hobo Bookworm
Purveyor of Purviews // Keep working, stop paying!
I like mine succinct and to the point.
An old & tireless research scientist always walking & digging into the twilight zone of technology and human perception of 'reality'. Kinda electronic musician whose favorite sounds to listen are those which come from the squeaks of the neurons of my audience when they are exposed to my extravagant Cranky Sense Of Humor & Unexpected Alien Babbling.
¡Upvoted & Resteemed! :)
I laughed so hard at this. There was snorting.
Master of Satire with me as the sample to show for the headline of his next challenge. LoL :o)Hahahaha @jennswall I'm very glad to know that I have been able to generate such great effect of laughter on you mate. So, I'm looking @fisteganos consider replace to @trafalgar
All I can say is: Gandalf the...Pink? Hellooooo Kitty! Meow!
I am an entrepreneur, filmmaker, musician and chauffeur who goes by the handle Darkflame and loves to give people great experiences. I blog about Bitcoin, technology, the arts, earthquakes, solar flares and other terrestrial phenomena! +5SBD
This introduction of yours made me follow you.
Kindly resteem the post for your entry to be "eligible".
Resteemed !
I am quite sure that is more then 150 chars ;)
I think Steemit needs a character counter under the text box.
33 characters
I'm a 20 years old from Venezuela. I make poems, stories, write articles about almost everything and i'm starting a health and fitness series articles.
A storyteller like me! Nice!
Games, movies, tech, and Bigfoot – just some of the topics I stick my nose in when writing. Resteem, like and comment to keep me steeming along.
144 characters, including spaces.
Nice. What's your favorite game and movie?
Favorite game is a hard one but I find myself replaying classics from Nintendo (Mario, Donkey Kong Country, etc). Spider-Man 2 on Android is a comfort game I play - just swinging around the city is great.
Movies, I have to go with Transylvania 6-5000, Fifth Element, Terminator 1 and 2 and the original Transformers (animated) movie.
Can't narrow it down to just one as there are too many I enjoy.
Just recently started playing Paper Boy again for NES. Made it to Friday ! BTW Fifth Element is a great pick. Don't forget Princess Bride as a fav movie though ;)
Haha! I wish I was this into games 🙄 Or movies 😩
It's a curse and a blessing my friend..
Virtualgrowth explores ideas of "vritualgrowth" of people, businesses, communities, ideas, and projects. Seeking ways to share this growth with others together. Part of my current journey is giving away tokens or crypto assets of various ideas. While consulting people along the way to better understand and utilize our crypto capabilities and possibilities.
It's so nice to have you join in! Thanks 😊
Thank you and welcome.
Grumpy Old Coot". It was just enough to inspire me to follow! lolI'd like to submit Gramps aka @dragon40 as one of the funnier profiles I've come across on steemit. Simple, funny, and straight to the point: "
As for myself, perhaps I can say "Trying hard to break us all out of our Augmented Reality."
That's some giant task you've got on your shoulders! How's it going?
it's a long tough road, but hopefully I'm making some progress by "scaring" people into the realities of where we're all headed if we stay on the current path...! lol
Is Virtual Reality Destined to Become Techno-Hell on Earth?
that, and SJW hell... The Frightening Future of Education SJW-Style
Hi my name is Lars aka @@@laloelectrix DJ, producer, photographer from Cologne Germany my blog is curation highquality content posts music promotion and very interested in Cryptocurrency and want to learn about watching videos & read online ...
My blog is simple: Cryptocurrencies, Finance and Travel. I love the three things.
Constant self learning photographer and crypto enthusiast. Optimistic, encouraging and have no regrets.
98 characters, upvoted and resteemed!
Great comp @fisteganos
World traveler, soon to be 1st time daddy, & rare coin expert who thinks Crypto will shoot the moon 1st & facilitate the rest of his dreams.
"Let your journey unveil your truth" This is all my blog posts are about . As I believe our life journey unfolds the truth of our inner light & wisdom of our soul as we become more aware of it sooner or later.
I am an amateur photographer who expresses my life through photography
Very interesting post of yours @fisteganos..nice way of knowing the community
Resteemed & followed⚘
I am an educator and researcher who loves to learn, travel, take photos, eat and cook!
26 year old cancer survivor, who loves to share my experiences all well as the things I enjoy. Cancer changed my life. It opened my eyes to a new world. I got in to fitness, health , spirituality and nature. These things helped me become a better me and I hope my blogs help motivate you to become a better you.
The travels, recipes & philosophy of a vegan chef. Trust-falling the universe, being of service, empowering the beautiful humans, and healing myself.
Hi @fisteganos, my entry is below and the post has been resteemed. Cheers!
@Starsteem is a blog you can go to and find out my thoughts on Crypto's as a noob (where I am now) and watch me evolve into someone who has a clue. You will see pictures and read stories about my life, family and interests (of which Steemit is moving up the latter). I will share and be ready to engage in conversations on many topics (in addition to those already mentioned) ranging from investing, sports, health and working out (weight loss), parenting, photography, travel, movies, music, AND most importantly you will get inside my head and see my character (which I am told is quite funny). Allowing for real connections to take place and producing content and interactions that will hopefully be seen as ripe fruit ready to be consumed by those who come seeking knowledge or at a bare minimum entertainment within our Steemit community.
My bio is the same as it was from the jump, as it is still my goal and passion.
My goal with Scaredycatguide is to provide financial education to those who are risk averse
Not the sexiest thing, but it's what I do. You can exclude mine as an entry, prefer newer users that are working hard to build SP receive the bump. Steem on!
I like your entry tho. Goes straight to the point and says all I need to know!
Well done and thanks for stopping by.
Thanks, happy to stop by. Interested to see the entries and how it plays out.
At one point in my life. I was ruining myself, just sitting and eating shit. Everyone hate me. Then I thought of my father " if he can run 6 km why can't I". That changed my life forever. I am addicted to health now. Thats what I do on steemit. I want every steemian to be healthy
Nice. Health is wealth they say. It's a great cause you're promoting.
Project Andina - Empowering Greatness.@projectandina is a media/travel/photo blog mainly of Peru. Offers travel tips, and proceeds fund Special Projects, i.e. Free English.
Nice 👍
I am a photographer that likes birds and landscapes, especially mountain landscapes. Will travel for photo.
You like birds? I'm curious to know why 😊
One, they are hard to take good pictures of, and I like a challenge. Two, I believe them to be among some of the most majestic animals on the planet.
Nice 👍
Thought it was better to post the pic of my profile description itself. The followers are combined from my Facebook page and profile

image upload widget
Edit: didn't work as well as I would have hoped so here it is in full
Hello everyone I'm a memer and political commentator from Facebook who has had it with their shadow bans. Currently working on migrating my 6000+ followers
Oh great!
My blog is an amalgamation of projects that never quite get finished and hobbies I pretend to have because I'm pretty sure I have attention deficit disorder.
I find that I can only really focus on one thing at a time so I tend to have unfinished projects too.
Nice entry
I'm an 18 year old student from South Africa and I'm music producer . I write about all that interests me and about my philosophies on life.
I believe Jesus is Lord. I believe in the maximum prosperity for mankind. I believe we are here to serve. I write to encourage and inspire.
Nice. We have things in common.
amen :-)
I'm an enlightened veteran who's getting lit up everyday. I enjoy learning from all walks of life. I strive to make myself and others better.
Interesting. I guess we never stop learning!
it's a process for sure....each day the veil is being lifted
I'm a freelancer writer/IT Tech, a role-playing enthusiast and contributor to a few RPG projects, Linux user since 1996, Oh and an Avid fan of Crypto.
This post was good enough for me to change my profile, thanks.
Exactly what I was hoping to achieve!!!
Resteemed! Good idea to know about us. Little bit about me. I'm digital trading and online marketing expert. I have 5 year experience in this industry. I followed you please follow me 🔙
This is my 'bio'
I am Joey Tang and I'm 12 from Singapore.I love tech and politics. I am especially interested in inventing something that will help the community.
146 characters.
Exploring the connected little bits of existence to try and achieve an understanding of all that I can. Be it investments, soil, hydrology or people..
Hi, we are a couple of travel enthusiasts who decided to quit job and travel all around the world. We document everything, so you can wait the content.
Good job 👍
Well I am libert, I like to called myself as libert in real life too lol.
I write about anything to everything.
Jack of all trades yeah?
"Serving conscious women entrepreneurs as a tour guide into cryptoland. (...and posting about spiritual stuff, too)"
Does that work? :) Resteemed
Tells me all I need to know so yeah it works! Well done
Thanks for the SBD! Didn't know how to send you a Thank You message, so I came back here :)
Haha! Here is fine too!
You're welcome! Thanks for participating
118 - Professional Dreamer | Explorer | Epicurean Fool - Fan of: photography; climbing; mountaineering; travel & street art.
Kindly resteem the post for your entry to be "eligible".
Thanks for the SBD! I appreciate it!
Thanks for participating.
Sure, no worries!
Laidback individual who enjoys sharing: love, humor, knowledge, nature, photography, writing, current events, and trips down proverbial rabbit holes.
That's a lot of things on offer there. Nice
I am 55 yrs old.On disability for about 35 problems. I am a fighter and that is why I still exist. I love the outdoors and writing. I have been homeless in Florida since May 1st. I am desperately trying to find a place that I am safe and secure in.I cannot resume my interests and hobbies(photography,landscaping) until I am back in a good place. The streets are killing me slowly. But I will make it. I know it. resteemed!
Yes you'll make it! Don't give up.
Thank you! This too shall pass, And I will be myself again. Have to go through hell for a piece of heaven I always say.
I am a student, programmer, and golfer who blogs about the cryptocurrency world and also his own life experiences.
How do you balance them? School, golf, and programming.
You've got superpowers yeah?
DiggnDeeper into the tools, concepts, & stories of creating solutions for a robust and peaceful society through voluntary interactions.
<- A little thinker with big ideas. In fiction and politics.
Hmm... nice! Big things come in tiny packages yeah?
Small is beautiful, or so I have heard somewhere.

And you sure do a very good job of that! Well done.
Jaybird here. To the core, I am a Music Composer & Performer, Creative Thinker and most recently, a Crypto Explorer! My blog reflects these aspects of my life and steemit life: Music, Art, Observation and Discussion. I'm also an avid steemit contest enthusiast ~ RESTEEMED!
So i'm only being curious... how many contests have you won? 😊
So far 3 different kinds of contest on steemit ! Openmic, Lotto, and one where you make up a caption for a weird picture. I've lost more steemit contests that i've entered lol. or did you mean in my lifetime?
Lol. Nah... I meant Steemit. Nice CV 😃
Oh haha good good. Keep it relevant right ;)
Prodigal businessman, biased scientist, unathletic sportsman and reckless keeper. Prisoner of hope, always loved and highly favored.
@fisteganos resteemed!
A scientist and businessman? That's rare.
In a way I am, I am a Chemical Engineer (graduated and passed Licensure examination) and got to work in that industry only for few years. That's why my interests in science and technology never really gone out of me.
After that I had a business of my own but eventually closed after 7 years of operation (prodigal living :))
Oh I see... lol. No experience is wasted I guess.
yes... it made me a better man.
Me: Swedish anarchic writer & theorist | CoAgorist | Contributor & supporter of several blockchain projects | Vote (thumb up/down) to my personal taste
("Me" as in my blog represents and will reflect those things that I am)
Nice to see it's clearly stated as your bio too.