Your votes were configured a week ago. I'm not sure why Steemauto has been missing your votes.
We will be releasing our own full automation soon, and will catch up any missed value at that time.
Your votes were configured a week ago. I'm not sure why Steemauto has been missing your votes.
We will be releasing our own full automation soon, and will catch up any missed value at that time.
Thanks for your reply. I got your upvotes yesterday and today. However, they were both worth 0 cents. I own at least 21 shares (since some two weeks ago) so those upvotes should be worth at least some 5 cents... are you gonna publish any stats where those who have invested something in your poject will be able to check all the numbers? I would really appreciate that as it all seems a bit dubious right now. Thank you.
We have resources available for this that are listed in the "Questions" section of this and every update post.