What is the Deadpost Intitiative?
The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.
Last week
I apologize for not being entirely active this week, I was incredibly busy, had lots of ups and downs and it was cold. I needed some time for myself and some time to roll around in bed and recharge. I wish the prize pool could have been as high as it was the past 2 week but maybe we will do better this time around.
Great variety again, I like the mix of users I'm familiar with and those that I'm not, it's always nice to have old friends and also new ones join in.
Last Week's Winners
@insideoutlet - $ 2.5 SBD prize
@insideoutlet gets naked! On Christmas! At the beach! She and her husband are lovely. Not much I can say about this post, it's really fun, check it out for yourself!
Nude Christmas
@crystalize - $ 2.5 SBD prize
@crystalize once again shares with us some incredible art that certainly deserves a lot more attention than it got. I can't believe this shades are home made! I'm always amazed at the talent hiding all over the place on steemit.
Art Project - Adorable Tiny Lampshades!
@yesaye - $ 2.5 SBD prize
One of my favorite new members of the Be Awesome community, @yesaye provides a kick in the ass, motivation to go out and do what you should be doing instead of putting it off! Read this one last and get off the internet immediately after and get something done!
@lavidaesunviaje - $ 2.5 SBD prize
@lavidaesunviaje shares the good and the bad while backpacking in America in a beautiful photo diary. He's got a lot of passion and a sense of adventure. I think I'd probably enjoy hanging out with him and his partner so I will need to spend more time to his blog.
US, solar eclipse and festival experience!!!
Week 17
Share your best Deadpost in the comments!
The best posts will be rewarded with half of the payout from this post (or a minimum of $10 SBD or STEEM, split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.
•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.
Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.
Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)
The prize pool will be half of the post payout or at least $10
I'm still looking for SP delegation to offer larger upvotes on all submissions. If you can help, please let me know :-)
Thanks again for this amazing initiative!
I'm gonna keep participating forever! :)
this week i wanna share an old post with some of my drawings... hope people like it! :)
i would like to vote for this post - i love artistic shares, and enjoy the multi layer aspect of your drawings :)
Beautiful post! Upped your comment for sharing it !
thank you marina!
loved it!
looking forward for more of your drawings to upvote an active post of you!
im following you now! :) I just checked your https://steemit.com/art/@marinaart/afterjunk-or-grifflog-s-tale-original-artwork-sketches
thank you!
You have a really cool style. I'd say unique for the lack of better word. Great sketches!
thanks for the compliment!
im trying to make some time to draw new ones :)
In that case I'll give you a follow!
Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day. And me too. Here is my post for the dead post entry.
And a very big thank you to @whatamidoing. :D
I'm telling you, ghosts do exist.
While I prefer to refer to the kinds of "ghosts" that you refer to here as "skeletons in the closet", I did still find your expose' to hit a chord.
It is clear to me that you are regretful of certain things that you did and perhaps others that you did not.
This is fine. It is actually a good thing to feel this way.
The next step is two-fold.
Plan your redemption and forgive yourself.
Even if somebody near and dear may no longer be around to physically pat you upon the back for doing so, doing something that they would have wanted - as a gesture loaded with meaning directed at them - will make a big difference. You'll do right by your actions and the gnawing feeling will ease - the scales tipping back in your favour.
Good luck.
This has my vote.
I vote for this one. Great read on the ghosts of our pasts...the memories/expreinces/failures that we allow to continue to haunt us...
Very true, man. Everybody has own ghosts...
I can relate, although I feel that facing past pain and trauma can be extremely therapeutic, like taking a shit haha. But this can only be beneficial when we are ready to face it and won’t let it drag us down.
I would like to offer this post of mine for consideration - it is a heartfelt photo blog of our family's move into land based homesteading life in Oregon. Thank you for checking it out, and for any follows and upvotes! I am glad to be connecting through this platform.
<3 e
A beautiful overview of your settling in for homesteading.
Loved the photos and the easy-to-digest description of the process. I also got to know that "queen-excluders" and "supers" are a thing in bee hives.
It is hoped that things are going a lot better in Oregon than in Costa Rica!
This has my vote. :c)
Yhats a beautiful life you’ve got there!
Here is my entry - a story about Riga Motormuseum with few photos
Oh wow thanks for the win! I really appreciate other taking the time to read my post and vote on it. Here is another one I spent the better half of a day creating for it get a little lots amoung the waves.
Confucious said what?
I will offer one:)
I really enjoyed the post. Most of us are blinded when we talk to anyone and use negative words often but infact the results show that we are the victim of our thoughts and words.
Thanks for sharing
That was good, I am a total water snob and only use filtered water lol.
Voted for this the first time, happy to vote for it a second. Words have vibration, thoughts have vibration, some vibratenin harmony while so are just jarring to everything around.
Thanks anyway!
This merely isn't a contest but actually, a chance for minnows to get their work recognized and gather better audience! Nice initiative.Hello @whatamidoing just want to know that if i have joined about 15 days ago can i recommend one of mine?
Link : https://steemit.com/motivation/@thethinker007/your-daily-motivation-struggle-gives-us-wings
I can really appreciate this. While I don’t believe all growth requires struggle, I do believe that all struggle exists there to spur growth.
I am sure you must have heard the very old saying
Everyone has to struggle someday or the other and who has yet to face it will be broken unless he understand one simple yet very peculiar thing
I am alright even if the last one, each single one of my beliefs is devastated.
Only weeds grow without struggle sir.
(Not the important one you might think :D )
Hi,its on interesting contest.
Hear is my post and i like very much because in this i given one lovely silent love story.pls cheak this
Its been a while. Glad to get in on another edition of @whatamidoing's excellent deadpost initiative. I think that I missed one or two of them.
This week's post is quite self-explanatory and won't be everybody's cup of tea:
Defining the Honest Politician
I loved the jokes and also the text... personally I haven’t voted on the las 15 years .. there’s no even one candidate that actually represents the people’s interests
I must say this one is a very tricky subject to write on. The image has gone so bad of the politics as people don't even consider politicians to be humans anymore.It is very depressing thought. It is wrong to assume every politician to be a dirty one, But I think I am too late. And honestly, because of this attitude the genuine guys, the one with the goals are not getting a fair chance.
BTW I am from India. The world largest democracy means world largest collection of politicians and we are having a hard time finding good politicians. (Chuckles)
Keep them quality deadposts coming and we'll surely hit 'trending' someday!
For this week's deadpost I have something really funny to offer:
Finland's 100th Anniversary, and Guess What Market Economy Did to It?
Enjoy :D
Haha, thanks @joe.public!
@ironwood - have any dead posts from way back that would like some recognition?
Thanks a lot Waid! Thanks also to everyone that participated and voted! Appreciate all of your support. :)
Hey, so great to see you going from strength to strength here on Steemit @whatamidoing
You surely deserve your success.
haha! bro thanks for nominating my post! if its not allowed then I nominate it too...if thats allowed...and i like my article because i wrote it...and because i think it gets after the incredible danger of the group think in our culture - specifically with social media - and how people do not know how to not be offended by people who think differently then themselves...