On Sunday morning I posted something which I felt was important. A download of sorts. Something from Source to put out to the universe. The response has been amazing so far. As this idea evolves and takes shape and the many amazing interviews continue, it’s growing even bigger. It’s not just a person but a team and not just a team but a small movement of like-minded individuals who want to change the world as they change themselves. I put some more thoughts down this morning. I’m excited to see where this goes.
Stoked Contingent
Build a DAC with this shared goal:
We want to create a world we all want to live in.
Our first priority is to evolve our consciousness and increase our ability to function. Our capacity for love is infinite, and we will pursue that infinity together with our skills, experience, intelligence, emotions, time, attention, responsibility, commitment, and transparency. We love ourselves, our intimate relationships, our family, our friends, our team, our community, our world. We are defining what success looks like before spending our lives obtaining it. Life on purpose. We live in balanced harmony with Spirit, tuned to our unique frequency as an individuated unit of consciousness, the Oneness learning about itself. Avoidance is the only thing which can decrease our ability to function, and we will not participate with it. Conflict does not harm us because we know the difficult emotional triggers we experience are the guides which show us what we know to be true or what we fear to be true. We are grateful for every opportunity to expand our awareness, remove the noise there, and purify our reception of signal. We carry our expectations carefully as they hold within them the potential for suffering, either unmet by deed or by being uncommunicated. We are the best at what we do or are on the path of becoming so. Pride, ego, arrogance, identity, pretentiousness, and fear do not concern or distract us. We will prosper on every dimensional level and by doing so, we will create prosperity for the world around us. We use technologies like digital ledgers to bring about truth and global non-violent consensus where everyone is self-sovereign and free to voluntarily pursue their reason for existence. We care for our first responsibility, the body temple we were given when we began experiencing experience. We are simultaneously individual and unique down to our very DNA and together as one, united in purpose.
Monetary contributions made to this journey are voluntary donations. We do not recognize the State as having jurisdiction over us to define which relationships we freely form or how we spend our time and resources. Our reputation is the result of the truth we bring to the world and in it there is no space for falsehood.
A contingent is a group of people united by some common feature, forming part of a larger group. It’s also subject to change, occurring or existing only if certain circumstances are the case. It is fractally dependent upon itself.
Our lives are sacred, and we will use them for sacred, courageous deeds.
Big yes to this.
Great statement.
I would love to bring the past decade of my praxis in conscious evolution, nonduality, creatorhood and co~creation into this.
May the syntony be with you,
Bret xoxo