Je m'inscrit à des concours canin !!(garde la peche sous xanax remix)

in #contractors7 years ago

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==========J ai trouve la plus grosses des bulles monetaire les gars la defiscalisation de caniche #garde lapeche ouais

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Un peu de tranquillité
Les bébés dorment
Un peu de...
Zzzzzzz zzzz
Zzzzzzz zzzz
Photo de Fully
Magnifique ma belle fufu
Ont à bien mangés maintenant Cest la sieste
Ont à bien...
Photo de famille
Photo de famille
Ou la la que Cest dure de se réveiller !!!
Ou la la que...
Trop chou ma ptite chérie
Trop chou ma...
Photo de Ganster
Photo de Feta
Photo de Feta
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J'ai adopté ma chienne qui avait 6 mois car son maître pour des raisons de santé ne pouvait plus la garder et que la mienne âgée de 16 ans venait de mourir. Il l'avait appelée Moon (lune en... Lire la suite
Message d'un invité | Hier à 22:19 | Comment vous avez eu l'idée du nom de votre chien?

Bonjour à tous, Je me présente,Nathalie. Je fais sur commande et d'aprés photo,le portrait de votre fidèle compagnon au pastel sec..Vous pouvez me retrouver sur ma page Facebook Nathalie... Lire la suite
Message de nathalie cusserne | Hier à 18:12 | Portrait chien pastel sec

Bonjour, Je parlerais "d'effet de meute". J'ai déjà vu deux chiens monter en pression et commencer une bagarre, et les autres chiens alentours venir se mêler à ladite bagarre non pas pour... Lire la suite
Message d'un invité | Hier à 17:06 | besoin de comprendre l attitude de mon chien...

Oui tout à fait vrai Lire la suite
Message de Christine Schmidt | Hier à 15:02 | On dit que les chiens ressemblent à leur...

Merci pour votre témoignage. Je suis très touchée par votre histoire, cet été mon chien avait beaucoup de puces et tiques et on m'a conseillé ce médicament ultra efficace. Lorsque j'ai interrogé... Lire la suite
Message de sket | Il y a 2 jours à 07:38 | Le jour où j'ai empoisonné mon chien
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Photo Berger Polonais de Plaine
Berger Polonais de Plaine

Son poil : long, épais, dense, abondant, tombant du front et couvrant ainsi les yeux. Présence d'un sous-poil mou. Sa couleur : toutes les couleurs, nuances et marques. Sa tête : moyennement grande, recouverte d'un poil...

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BGOV200 Federal Industry Leaders Overview
The third annual BGOV200 Federal Industry
Leaders Study ranks and profiles the top 200 federal
vendors by value of prime, unclassified contracts
awarded by U.S. agencies in fiscal 2013. It ranks the
top contractors at 24 agencies and departments, and
in 20 different purchasing categories.
Fiscal 2013 represented the culmination of
a number of long-building forces in federal
contracting. Sequestration, the sustained drawdowns
in Iraq and Afghanistan, and increasing budget
pressures continued the downward trajectory of
federal spending on contractors. Many of the
companies that rose in rank this year did so by
maintaining previous-year levels and not by winning
additional contract dollars. This study examines
some of the drivers of contracting dynamics and how
vendors have fared and reacted.
The study finds:
• Total contracts in fiscal 2013 were $462.1
billion, down 11 percent from $516.3 billion
in fiscal 2012. The share of total government
obligation dollars won by the top 200 was
65 percent, which is on par with fiscal 2012’s
64 percent.
• Of the companies in the BGOV200, 106
had declines from a year earlier in contract
awards, including seven of the top 10. The
other 94 companies increased their government
obligations despite the overall contracting
• One strategy used by successful contractors
was moving into protected markets that
experienced less budget pressure. These markets
included health services; health information
technology (IT); cybersecurity; and intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR).
Twenty-one companies that rose in rank on the
BGOV200 in 2013 provided goods and services
in those four categories.
• Contractors with large protected defense
programs saw obligations remain steady or
increase. Overall, contractors who produced
products did better than those who provided
services. Of the top 20 companies, 56 percent of
those who primarily provide products saw gains,
compared with 36 percent for services.
• Mergers and acquisitions were less significant
growth factors in fiscal 2013 compared with
fiscal 2012 and 2011. Instead, firms sought
to increase efficiency through spinoffs or
divestitures. The largest was SAIC’s split into
Leidos Holdings Inc. (No. 23), a high-marginfocused
technology company, and Science
Applications International Corp. (No. 12), a
lower-margin government services company.
Both companies appear in the top 200, though
neither ranked as high as the combined
company did in fiscal 2012.
Sequestration and budget pressures
There was a steady overseas military drawdown
in fiscal 2013, unlike fiscal 2012, which saw a large
reduction of U.S. forces in Iraq. U.S. withdrawal
from Afghanistan has been a slower process that
continued during fiscal 2013 and is slated to end
in fiscal 2014. Even so, companies reliant on
contracts supporting the war effort faced decreases in
spending. Navistar International Corp., for example,
fell out of the rankings this year as the military
reduced its needs for Mine-Resistant Ambush
Protected (MRAP) vehicles.
The dominant budget issue during fiscal 2013
was sequestration, which took effect on March
1, 2013, and reduced spending below the Budget
Control Act caps already imposed by Congress. The
automatic spending cuts eliminated $68.4 billion
in discretionary budget authority, a 6.6 percent
decline: $42.6 billion for defense and $25.8 billion
for nondefense. When nondiscretionary spending
is included, the cuts are spread evenly between
nondefense and defense, because the majority of
mandatory spending is in nondefense areas.
Sequestration forced agencies to decrease
activities and furlough employees. While