The fresh produce in supermarkets is terrible. We go to a farmer's market and the produce tastes so much better and if far cheaper also.
I once got honked going to said market...I wasn't even dressed provocatively. ☺️
Posted using Partiko Android
The fresh produce in supermarkets is terrible. We go to a farmer's market and the produce tastes so much better and if far cheaper also.
I once got honked going to said market...I wasn't even dressed provocatively. ☺️
Posted using Partiko Android
Hmm I don't know any markets in my area and since I don't drive, the.choices are pretty limited.
And maybe that was your mistake...:P
Posted using Partiko Android
Well, I was dressed like Selene from Underworld and STILL no honks. 🤣
Posted using Partiko Android
Uuuh her...yeah, she is pretty hot :O Maybe because of the short hair?
Must be...
Posted using Partiko Android