No Convaids.

No Convaids,
I'm still noticing that all of the big Alt channel names are still dancing around this subject. During one of the first weeks of Convaids in 2020 I discovered the mother of all Convaids medical/data companies/Labs. The one that claimed to be the company in control and to have the details of all the victims to date at that time including the first case which they claimed was in Scotland of all places. LOL.
There were not many victims mentioned at that stage, about 40 or so. It was obvious from the data that there was ZERO proof of anything but plenty of suggested evidence which you and I both know could only have been fabricated. Only a level 4 lab could apply to receive samples, which was another red flag for me. I won't mention the company yet, but I will in the future, as soon as the big boys and girls catch on.
I have, in the past, tried to drop the hint to Max and to Jeff because I followed both of them. Alas, no notice was ever taken. I don't really care about the rest of the big names because they are mostly all foney truth seekers anyway.
A few weeks ago I had my (400+ video) main YT channel removed for a video that I posted in 2014. It was a big channel as far as content goes but very small with subscribers (45) although I had several videos with 4k+ views but they took 15 years to accumulate, :). That seemed to be my limit at it's extreme.
Anyhoo, Enough about that part, the fact remains that with thousands of hours that I've spent viewing and waiting for some of the big channels to mention this particular company, not one person has. (Waiting for Godot I guess) This data would certainly be of interest to everyone but I don't think it's my job to mention it simply because I feel that the website or I may disappear if it does get mentioned by someone like me rather than a BrandNamed Alt speaker.
You may say that in that case it mustn't be important, but I will say that it is way bigger than any of the other convaids BS that Alts are talking about. The truth then would be that the big Alts are terrified of losing their income if they do mention it. THAT's THE TRUTH!
The site is still there, plus I backed it up just in case I ever need the information in defense. I would appreciate it if the big channels would stop beating about the bush and do some actual research. I'm stumped by how it has remained under the radar for so long for most of you. It may not be a huge breakthrough, but it will oust the parasites and grifters amongst us of which there are many. Wolves in sheep costumes. Stay tuned.
I will give you all a clue if you decide to go digging for yourselves.
The clue is:- Mr _____ is at the helm, ;|.

The NorthernHeretic