Roast Beef melts Mmmm!
So this is my final installment of Eating on a Budget Roast Edition and I am finishing it off with 2 two more meals! So 14 Meals in total for a $15.00 Roast! keep in mind this didn't cover bread and potatoes and some other cheap stuff. But overall I think it went pretty darn well. My idea of eating on a Budget isn't Ramen Noodles, it's homemade good quality food done from scratch.
I feel good about all the little articles I have written on this topic, and am going to continue to do more throughout the year. I think cooking is a vital step to growing up and learning. Things I have learned from cooking is how to budget, I check the prices at the Grocery stores constantly, and I know which store to go to too get the cheapest prices for certain items. I even know which days have the good deals now! This will definitely vary from city to city and certain things I have been cooking may cost quite a bit more in your local shops. But this is based off of my local economy!
I hope everyone is having an Excellent Holiday and Remember to stay Frugal my friends!
Stay frugal indeed! But get to enjoy extravagance once in a while also. Its a gift of nature too.
I agree, everything in moderation! If you spend your whole life trying to be frugal, you won't have much time to think of the important things like friends and family. I do say though when I buy something expensive like a nice steak or go to a restaurant I tend to appreciate it a whole lot more now :)
Very nice food again :)