Living in the mountains of Jamaica, there are no restaurants. Cooking is an essential part of life, and it's fun.
To get ahead of everyone in the world, never deny anything in public, and pretend to agree with stuff even if you don't... KABOOM.
I have a satellite that reads, records, and reports how many people are living on planet earth in every moment. Looking at my graphic report, the rate of people dying and baby births, is a heart beat.
My most amazing Super Power Is 'FOCUS'
My cooking video from 2 days ago, Monday, August 29
Koren Sesame and Chile Roasted Mahi-Mahi by home chef Craig Grant
Craig Grant in 1990
My mother and Roy were having relationship problems. They seemed to work everything out without fighting, they were still friends, but not “together”. My mother bought a 3 bedroom Villa in West Palm Beach, she was renting it out. She told me we are moving to West Palm Beach. I was excited.
In summer I went to live with Roy’s son Roxwell in Kendal, Miami. I was 15 years old and Roxwell brought me to work with him to teach me something I could do to make some $$ as a summer job. I had already learned how to use the AutoCad drafting software from visits to his house in Orlando. Roxwell worked for a company that designs fire alarm systems for high rise buildings. I started out working in the warehouse doing shipping and receiving. Within a couple weeks I had worked my up to a new job into the computer room using AutoCad. They gave me projects to do, I would set my own hours and just report to them how many hours I worked.
I liked the job, I was making good $$ for my age. Living in Miami introduced me more to Hip Hop. I bought my first rap tape, Kool Mo Dee. I also liked De La Soul. I stayed in an apartment complex across the street from Miami Metro zoo, there were many horny Spanish teenagers living there. I observed as they engaged in gang activity, smoking weed, and running sex trains on girls. I always wanted to be a part of the action but I was very reserved, I had fun just being around them and watching what they do. They spoke mostly in Spanish, so most of the time I didn’t know what they were talking about.
Toward the end of summer I wanted to stay in Miami and go to High School there. I wanted to keep my job making $15 per hour. I was having conversations with my mother and Roxwell about it. But things changed when I was hit by a car while riding Rowell’s bicycle to the movies. When the car hit me, I flew off the bike and hit the car wind shield, it broke, then I bounced back flying thru the air and landing in the busy 4 way intersection. It was rush hour, I tried to get up and walk but fell back down after couple of limps. I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Later that evening I was walking home with only scratches and bruises. The bicycle was totaled. I moved back to West Palm Beach few weeks later to start 10th grade. I was still a virgin.
In November I met was introduced to a very sexy, beautiful, Jamaican girl named Tamarah. I was told she recently moved to Palm Beach from New York and she was looking for a long term relationship with a nice guy. She also lived about 2 blocks away from me. We started talking and became a couple. A few months later in 1991 I lost my virginity. She was 14, but she was not a virgin.
My cooking video from the year 2000
Follow @craig-grant
have fun :)
Why not create a restaurant with good service?
Bring your Family to NZ and i will cook a BBQ for you..and then we can go out and pick up one of MY bounce houses and we can do a video...!!!
Great cooking.. you should do a cooking channel.
That chicken is burnt