My Collection of Cast Iron Cookware

in #cooking7 years ago


I needed to give my wife back her pantry in the kitchen, so I spent a good part of yesterday rearranging my collection to get the majority of it in one place. I was tempted to buy another shelving unit, but figured I'd try to get most of it on these two. They are as full as they can possibly get!! Each unit is rated to be able to hold 4,800 pounds. I know I'm not close to that on either of them. I will add another unit soon and then probably spend another day reorganizing all of it. Having the pieces in such close proximity makes them more difficult to use when you can't get to them easily. The pieces I use the most are kept in front and on the sides.


Holy crap, If you get flooded, your pantry will sink for sure!!!! Have you put support beams under the floor????

That's a really nice rack!! No support beams necessary with the way my house is built.

Great collection!

WOW! Am I ever jealous!

That's an awesome collection of cast iron. Have you been collecting long and do you use it often? I use mine all the time, but I have a lot fewer pieces lol

I have been collecting for five or six years now. A lot of them do get used, but there are way too many tovuse all of them. More than collecting, I love restoring them. The number of skillets is have is a byproduct of my love for restoring them.

It is nice to meet someone who cares enough about cast iron cookware to rescue old pieces. Thanks.

holy cow how long did it take to get such a collection as this ? :) I would like more but I'm quite happy with the three items I have in storage waiting for my last home :D

It took me about five or six years to collect and restore all of these.

lucky finds, it must have been a work out restoring them to such a nice shine :)