
Usually when I make pasta or spaghetti in my electric pressure cooker I make it like serving for 4 people. So some nights I would either have 2 or 3 serving for myself and afterwards rub some almond oil on tummy cos I am bloated after having a big meal haha. One thing I have banned from my home is a microwave oven. When I was younger I only really used a microwave to melt the cheese on my toast. They just never really appealed to me.

I don't really use the microwave just to melt butter when I'm making bread, you know what's delicious with leftover spaghetti ? Heat up an oiled cast iron pan, flatten the spaghetti flat on the bottom, cook until golden brown, flip it and put mozzarella cheese on top and throw it under the broiler until the cheese is melted and golden , when done flip it on a plate and cut it like a pizza! Try it!

I would do try this out but around 14 months when I moved to my new home. I like to live and travel light in my life. So I threw a lot of stuff out including all my pots and pans too. Then decided to live more easy with just using a electric pressure cooker instead.

That's crazy dude! Go to a thrift shop and pick up a cast iron pan, the ones from the 60s are awesome ! I own my house and I have a 400 square foot kitchen and still not enough room for all of my cooking stuff......sigh, maybe I should go on the tv show hoarders haha....

I never like to hoard just makes your home feel more smaller than it is. I usually like to live in one area of London for a couple of years and then move to a new area in London. Keep myself more fresh always on the go. Escape from those noisy parkers of neighbours. Massive kitchen then plenty of room for your food fights. I`m sure you would be welcomed by the tv show hoarders they would probably make a episode just on your kitchen itself haha.

I'm actually going through everything to give to the thrift store because I'm remodeling my kitchen and I want it black, stainless and clutter free ! Started it last weekend , bought a full set of oak cabinets for 650 bucks and they're worth about 20 grand from what my carpenter says... looking forward to inventing new dishes when it's done, I'll send you smell o vision pics! Haha and I'm as cheap as they come, when I find a great deal , I take it, mom used to say that I'm so cheap I squeak , I'd love to move every couple of years like you, ya, kinda jealous of your adventures, I'd love to experience new things, but it's hard when you own your house! You lucky dog you ! Bahaha 😂

That is what they say about the Scottish people. It is myth built by the English that us Scots are tight fisted. I find the English more tight fisted with money or pouncing more.
I used to say to my English mates how can you find a Scotsman in a dark room?
Everytime he walks his arse squeaks.

Maybe you should get gobby Gordon Ramsey around to do some Kitchen Nightmares with you haha.

People say I`m like a gyspy moving around quite often. I just do not want to get stale in life stuck around the same surroundings.