Glass bottomed skywalk - Grand Canyon

in #cool6 years ago

Cov iav hauv qab ntuj khi ua lub hauv qab ntawm ntug dej ntawm Hiav Txwv Grand Canyon hauv Hualapai Indian Reservation los ntawm pab pawg neeg Grand Canyon Resort Corporation.

Kev yuav taug kev yuav muaj 70 taws tawm ntawm lub npoo, muab cov neeg tuaj xyuas cov qhua tuaj yeem muaj kev ruaj ntseg nrog 4,000 feet mus rau nram qab ntawm lub hav cuam kawb.
Lub skywalk yog ib feem ntawm qhov loj tuaj mus rau hu ua Grand Canyon West, uas yuav tau ua rau lub zos Asmeskas thiab "lub nroog-themed nroog".


Yog, zoo.

Zoo fri.

I think I can't walk there, anyway :D

Same issue is here 😝

If I got a chance to get there, I've no idea to walk.
But I wish.

Yeah, I wish for you too.