Hello, everyone friends of the blockchain. We continue to carry on the project, we are almost at the finish line. We are waiting for the conclusion of the entire bureaucratic procedure to receive the necessary authorizations to produce quality compost, unfortunately, the Institutions, the Countries, the Government, are very slow in issuing such authorizations. The cost of time, however, is not the only one to burden the success of the project, consulting and orders cost a lot of money, and in this period of global crisis, it is very complicated to be able to support management expenses and investment costs. Precisely for this reason, we decided to invest all the money available in the project, for the finalization of the practices to start producing. As you may have noticed from the last posts we took advantage of time, we began to produce quality compost thanks to the shredded mowing at a home of a lady our client who chose to dispose of their waste correctly (or resource?) instead of starting fires that would only harm the environment and living things. Below we show photos of how biomass begins to darken and degrade into quality compost.

The project continues and as you can see generating a virtuous cycle of resource compensation is not very difficult. The composting operation is among the simplest and can be reproduced anywhere, anywhere in the world, just deposit the biomass in places under appropriate conditions and leave everything to nature. The images are shown here show an amount of shredded compost of approximately 1 cubic meter divided into two composters roughly built to promote the oxygenation of the pile. It would be enough to do a search on the web to understand how this product (Black Gold) is considered among the most used resources in the world by nurseries and florists. Studies carried out by universities around the world on the analysis of costs and yields for the use of improvers in agriculture show exceptional results. There is very little to achieve the goal. However, all this has costs, as I have already mentioned. At the moment the operation of the company is blocked due to a fault in our means of transport. Unfortunately, when projects are born out of nowhere, and without the proper financial resources, one must be content and pursue the objective even when adversity becomes insurmountable when the means of production are not new and do not always manage to withstand the rhythms of work in continuous development.
For this very reason, we ask for your help.
We need to reach the sum of 1000$ to repair our van and continue to provide mowing shredding service, the essential raw material to produce quality compost. You can help the project through a direct donation through our Discord Channel or by donation on Hive Blog.
We trust that in your hearts the love for nature and the will to change the world is still alive and burning.

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