Rich People Fly Private Jets to Scam Summit for "Carbon Tax" Future, SHOCKER!

in #cop263 years ago

Who'd'a' thunk it, eh? Rick people as individuals creating larger "carbon footprints" than the regular Joe in the world. But hey, they support taxing everyone into submission.


Hypocrisy and hot air over Glasgow Airport as the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, attracts 400 private jets carrying world leaders and business executives from around the world

They get to pay whatever the scam demands because they have the money and can keep doing what they do. Meanwhile, everyone else is impoverished with carbon taxes and limits on their lives as governments around the world further enslave their population under a false scientific dogma.

After the war on drugs war on you, and the war on terror war on you, and the war on CV19 war on you, the next war on you in the next fake war on something is the war on carbon.

Freedom is slavery.