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RE: Copblock is not a solution!

in #copblock8 years ago

Thanks Jeff and I agree that the training law enforcement gets has changed dramatically over the years. We also see when that training from peace officer to police officer began to change. Can you say Vietnam war? After Kennedy was assassinated and the illegal Vietnam war continued to bankrupt the country, we see tricky Dick remove the gold backing from the dollar. They knew that would cause massive inflation so the Federal Reserve and the government would need protection from the people. So they changed the focus of the training to one of enforcing laws and protecting the government from the people. This was totally different from peace officers who had a totally different mentality of preventing crime in the first place. Whereas now we have police officers that escalate a situation instead of deescalating one as peace officers used to do. Amazing how far society has fallen when the currency is corrupted. Amazing how just a slight change in training and mentality can lead from peaceful resolution of a situation and well being of the society, to dead citizens, dead police, and neighborhood chaos.