Nobody is ever enslaved by their thoughts. Quite on the contrary, genuine thought and questioning always liberates one from mental slavery, which then translates into thwarting physical oppression as well, since reality is created by mind.
If we're talking about people who "believe" something, more so if it's to a point of it becoming zealotry, that's what actually constitutes mental slavery.
Which, again, can be easily surpassed with but a choice to know, love and comprehend. People who are still asleep are chasing their own tails, and even if they claim that this system is fucked up, they show their manifested lack of thought when they claim that another authorative system or party is "the solution". Not only are they trying to support a system that's basically the same as the old one, but they're trying to find "external" solutions for issues that are internal.
No amount of "external" help is ever likely to solve issues of one's self. This society will drastically turn around towards evolution, once enough people take back their responsibility and refuse to give others the power to control them.
Every collective is made of individuals. Every individual that improves and becomes free, on whatever leve, contributes to elevating the collective as well. Our thoughts and feelings (not sentiments, btw) shape the reality we experience.
If you want a world that's kind, be kind. If you want peace, be peaceful. If you use violence, use it in defence and as a last resort, but without any hate.
Love and reason, awareness and comprehension...