When I quit drinking and started to pull myself together in life I thought hey I got myself together why worry about the paranoia of police anymore. When a few instances came up I decided to call. When those came up to no arise and rude interactions I thought hey maybe those were just a few new recruits that didn't know the law. Pretty scary still knowing not a person was listening to true crimes going on in my neighborhood but hey not everyone's perfect. Being me I swept it under the rug in hopes of putting the drama behind me and living my prosperous own life. If they don't want to do their job let it be.
The next few interactions were actually family targeting me at my own bachelor pad. When I got the true story from the cops that the calling party was my own mom. I began to record. My neighbor wanted into the action and filed a report on me also. When it all came to an end.l I was the one that lost my place and got the shaft not them and my reports were reported false not there's. Now I am left with my old young rich and poor opinion. All cops are bastards. Not a single ones conformity impresses me and they will forever have that little man syndrome in my head of being the ones picked on in high school. Ugly people move in silence.
If a serious crime has already happened, i.e. stolen car, burglary, rape, murder, i guess cops would be useful. They have the needed resources to investigate such things. To call them to diffuse or mediate a situation, well they are often going to criminalize whoever isn't complying with their demands. Or favor whoever appears more respectable and spins a better story. Screw that.