It is ridiculous because there is no way you can setup a system that will do this job 100% accurate. Which means, you have to have people in place to manually take care of things, or at least of some of these things. Can you see someone check all facebook messages before they are really published?
What is going to happen when I post something that by coincidence is also the headline of a news item on a newspaper website.
This is just as unworkable as the law to charge people a taxrate related to the country they live in.
And just as unworkable as the recently applied law to set up a whole department within your firm just to clarify and manage customer data.
The thing that it does show to me is, not a European Union that is taking care of anyone. It is a European Union that has no clue to what the internet is. They are still trying to manage it like you would a paper office.
What worries me most is that no one seems to be able to stop them. No ones is telling them "Nice plan, but we are not in the 1900 anymore".
They desperately need to clean up their own act before they bother us with new plans/laws again.
Yeah I really hope the current proposal does not pass. They seem to have to clue how this will impact the level of innovation coming from European internet companies. All these regulations you have to keep in mind, just to launch a new project.
Same with that idiotic cookie law, as if anyone reads those little notifications.
Exactly, I wouldn't be surprised if it only leads to an alternative internet, eventually. Like the darknet, but without the illegal stuff.
Probably the way to go!
Yes, coincidental thought, i.e., manifestation of the same concepts in different individual minds by some form of synchronicity is as natural as the weather - how can anyone even think of punishing individuals for that? If an idea is good, why not rather encourage cooperation in implementing it, rather than hogging profits by centralized means?