When I first got into the saltwater hobby, The fish were the most interesting part of the hobby. Later on I realized the beauty of corals.
At first, I got corals that cost less than $40 because anything more than that was outrages. But later on I saw that, corals with vibrant colors always cost more than $40. Then one day I saw a coral I absolutely fell in love with but the cheapest ones on the market were going for $350. I scouted for months until I found one the was going for $120 and I knew i needed to get it, so I did.
This little guy was half the size it is now when I first got it, which is why is was "cheap". Once this guy is bigger and starts to spawn it'll pay for its self many times over.
Now I look for more 'high end' corals that I can save up on, buy, and then profit from them so I can continue paying for this hobby.
I used to keep a reef tank. You can get live rock that has some good things on, if you're lucky you can get for under 70. Where do you live? I used to go into Dallas to shop for the best selection and price in the area.
Yes some cool goodies can come from live rock, the only thing holding me back is that I'm nervous about getting bad hitchhikers or anything that can crash my tank. I live in nyc so online vendors are usually my go to. kind of jealous of people on upstate ny they have a lot of local vendors
Nice Tank!