Best gas up the cars...

in #cordovez4 months ago

It's impossible for me not to think about the importance of self reliance at the moment. I mean, I've written quite a bit on this blog of mine about it, so it can really be a surprise, but the problem is that the issues with the electric grid in Ecuador are getting worse, and nobody sees a way out.


We woke up this morning to find out that the government has announced the necessity of 14 hour long electric shutdowns. In other words, you know that cool device you have in your kitchen, the one that you use to put food in... Yes, what's the name again? fridge? Yeah, fuck that thing.

Our financial situation is also not that great, but I know we are going to be OK, because we always figure that one out. Hey, somebody might get some ridiculous deals on a guitar or two, but such is life, and confronted with emergencies you can't be pinching pennies.

The cost of these shutdowns must be stratospheric at the moment. I mean, how are people supposed to work? What is going to happen to restaurants? What about the industry? I can't imagine people trying to pull off any work with only 4 hours of electricity per day during business hours.

In a sense, us here in the farm can call ourselves lucky. For one, the weather is cool, pleasant event, so there's no need for fans or AC to have a resting night. But, in the cities like Guayaquil, I can imagine people standing in the corner of insanity and hostility.

Decided to torture myself a bit more by looking up more news about it as I was entering this blog. And yes, these 14 hour shutdowns are set to increase next week unless "God" does something about it.

Should we begin some sort of rain dance? That's the only thing the government hasn't said, but they are almost there.

What is kind of hilarious, but more from a pathetic angle, is that they keep on firing energy ministers, and even decided to pass a law called "No more shutdowns", a law to help? What?

I think I shared this on a vlog of mine not that long ago, but here's the thing. Because I'm sure if you know a bit about my shop, you know I do solar. My batteries turned 4 years old about six months ago or so, and my battery capacity is not great. The lack of sunlight may keep us cool, not dying of heat during the day and allowing us to sleep at night peacefully. But, it also means I can't use my shop too much, since I'm barely generating 1000 watts at peak noon. (I have 4800 watts in solar panels)

What to do? I hear you not asking. Well... nothing, nothing at this point. I'm going to keep on toiling as much as I can, trying to finish the guitar I sold, and that's the extent of the plan as far as I can tell. At least, for now.

You may detect frustration in my typographic tone, and you are correct in your assertion... but can I be blamed?

Maybe... maybe I should be...



"What to do?"

Make a wood gasifier. Make a supercapacitor of concrete and lamp black using saltwater as electrolyte. Help your family, neighbors, and community do the same. Break as many as free from the grid as you can. Perhaps you can show folks how to get the government out of the oil buying business and pay less taxes.

Best of luck, my friend.

This week I'm going to start working on some battery experiments. Salt Water batteries are easy enough to make, and we need illumination at night around the farm... I'm sure I'll share some experiments.

I ran across thisthe Latin American Report, and immediately thought of you and the challenges you are facing. Given the ancient Chinese aphorism that no crisis should ever go to waste, or that every crisis is an opportunity in disguise (whichever best suits your circumstances or historical accuracy) I wondered if you might be able to take your skills and experience to the bank, while benefiting your community and polity as you may find desirable. on @limonta's

Best of luck, and my best wishes for your family to thrive and prosper.

Man, I really look forward to seeing how your surmount your challenges. I have a lot more confidence in you than in any government, corporation, or grid. You actually care about you, for starters. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.