Some people that join Hive may be unsure if Hive is something they are looking for. With the ability to provide a usable Resource Credit balance to an individual it will allow them to post and comment and see it Hive is something they are going to like and want to be involved in.
Just telling them they need to buy Hive is not going to work.
pay to vote pay to post, eventually voting and posting and commenting will just cost liquid hive like the new EOS resource model where you can pay with liquid tokens to pay for transactions haha
do any of you guys in Hive even know how that new eos system works? it sucks when youre on eos but on hive it can work great lol
resource credits that charge up by paying some liquid hive, for 24 hrs
I have zero reason to go anywhere else, so nope, no idea how EOS works. I don't think Hive will be following any models other than it own. For now it is free to post, to comment and to vote, it just cost having Resource Credits, and most transaction have little effect on the Credit level of a persons Resource Credits, except for making account tokens. Account tokens take a LOT of Resource Credits.
It is not hard to get enough resource credits for most transactions on Hive, 100 Hive powered up pretty much lets a person vote and comment and post quite a bit.
I don't see Hive ever requiring Liquid Hive to do any transaction.