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RE: Corona - Die unendliche Pandemie: Teil 2 - Das Problem mit den Staaten

in #corona4 years ago

Hey @carloserp-2000,

In conclusion a high body mass index helps much better to fight the virus?

Yes and No! If you don't health enough resources it is quite hard for your body to counteract diseases. That's clear. Nevertheless, overfeeding, as in the case of western countries, is generally a huge threat to your health (Diabetes, Cancer...). Moreover, I found that countries with a lower BMI (such as Japan) show a lower Corona-burden. This led me to the conclusion that there must be something which improves your health. This could be the so-called "Autophagy" a cellular recycling system that keeps your cells healthy and helps to fight viruses. The viruses are engulfed and digested when entering a cell. Remnants of the viruses will be presented on the cell surface afterwards and serve as a template for the immune system to fight the flu, or whatever. The higher your food intake the lower the rate of autophagy, the lower the benefit of the autophagy to counteract viral infections. It is just a proposal to explain the difference between highly developed countries were some (high BMI) show huge problems and others (low BMI) not.

Thanks for reading and maybe try some intermittent fasting to improve your immune system.

