People fighting over hamstering food ... cops gotta intervene, schools closed for one month, horeca down, restaurants, bars .. closed ... all stores except foodmarkets AND those are a battleground now ... so here's your normal people then ... that's them, not me ... BUT euhm ... i think Media can get a bit to blame here , as well as the government who, suddenly after nearly a year of daily reports on how they didnt form a government yet since the last election (and get paid double) are now totally busy saving the planet (but still no gov't and probably still double pay) I bet Mario Draghi will provide the loans for all the damage to business like he always provides for the politicians and they will probably tell those kids something like : "okay, this year you have to know less to pass the exam BUT BELGIAN EDUCATION AND SCHOOLS ARE SUPREME TO ANY OTHER IN THE WORLD!" or something like that or not ... and maybe everyone can just re-do the year and we can all call it 'the year of corona' .... which is sars but everyone heard of sars so they dubbed it something else and now the panic is global , like hm ... The newsreader was giving advice on "what can you do now that the country is locked down" i thought : "well they gonna do what they always do when home : mow lawns and spend the entire evening on facebook" .... SO my cousin in the E.U. IT-dept. told the mother they HAD 1000 commuters, which suddenly (and this is where i curse about 20 people who kept telling me that work-from-home doesnt exist because its not possible) turns to TEN THOUSAND ... so they can just arrange it because the feudal lords said so, have a nice day, make it work, there you go .... if ever there was madness i have never in all my life seen anything like this in a country thats generally nothing but a-pathic population (you would be too, you'd have to be to be a little sane past 30 living here) and who's like YAY WE LIVE IN THE BOONIES NOW ? there's already a case here in town ... teacher who went to Italy ITS THE END OF THE WORLD OMG .... i actually wished for that several times but if this is the end then its gonna be because some american or russian ironjaw thinks "better them than us FIRST" ... dude ... tovarich MADNESS and you thought Trump was crazy motherfucker, right ?
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