in #corona5 years ago (edited)


Here a recent report from Milan (my hometown), and my point of view on the goddamn Virus...


(Elena & me in 'no panic mode'. This picture was taken on the plane from Ioannina to Athens two days ago. Greece is now counting the first episodes of Cornona virus.)

DATE: 29th February 2020

I am walking in the streets of Milan, when I see a scuffle over a parking place (parking there is prohibited anyways). One man is shouting to an other:

"Pirla (you idiot!) get out of the way, don't you see you stole my place!? I will report you to the police! "
"Oh really? Then go, I'll have a coffee here and will be back soon...looking forward to seeing the cops..".

It is a good sign of recovery... Milan is returning to almost normal or at least it is trying.

To begin with most people have given up the masks "because they are so useless."


(this graffiti by TvBoy was found in central Milan. It depicts the famous Heyez painting 'Il Bacio', The Kiss)

And the taxi drivers mourn...one takes his mask off and proclaims : «I can't stand it anymore. I only wear gloves because I'm tired of washing my hands every hour. "

The city paws, it would like to start again... rumbling at the rate of the usual "tran tran". Instead, it will be another week with the brakes on, but the tables of Brera are already full of people having 'aperitivo'....

We are ingenious, universities do online teaching, and companies have adapted to smart-working, leaving their employees working from home.

Milan is hard to stop, the DNA of the 'Milanese' is to drink espresso, work , dress well and repeat.

You cannot stop that with a little virus.

The Duomo has announced the reopening for Monday, for small groups of tourists, but that's okay. Meanwhile, you can only enter to pray. No masses, no confessions. Such a great silence in the biggest Gothic cathedral of the world. But some workers are putting up the scaffolding to restore a column. The noise of drills and saws comes loud.

It is not a legend that the 'Fabrica del Dom' (The Dom's Factory) as we call it...never stops.

Come one people, Corona is a big scam, 100 times less dangerous than a normal flu.....
Let's just be cautious and everything will be ok....


(I could not find the author of this, but I want to end with an hopeful and slightly cheesy pic)

truly yours,


Wow, thank you so much for sharing this text with us. You made me laugh and gave me shivers at the same time.

Did you manage to get a mask on the black market?


gracie for your "corona perspective"

It's a pleasure. It also was a very funny situation on the plane. We didn't know it would become so severe in the following days.