India To Now Allow Banned Hydroxychloroquine For Export To The US and Other Countries In Need

in #corona5 years ago (edited)

After having banned the export of pharmaceutical drugs a month ago, today the Indian Govt. announced that it was lifting the ban 'partially'.

I don't know about the efficacy of the drug, but in the current pandemic, the drug, hydroxychloroquine, has been doing the rounds as a possible cure or even a effective shield to prevent the growth of the virus.


[Pic Credit]

The good part of the announcement was

The decision means India will now honour all those orders it has received in the past few weeks from countries such as the US, Brazil, Spain, France, Germany, Israel, the UK, Australia and the Gulf countries, among others.

It could mean that this change came due to the pressures exerted by countries like the US, and it was also reported that Donald Trump and the Indian PM had a talk before this was announced.

But whatever, it is good to know that our country is opening up to being a better than others who are acting weird in this pandemic.

Being part of the human race, it's good to know a lot of people are working so that we collectively can triumph over a virus which right now seems to be shaking our foundations.

To read more, please check.

  1. Times of India
  2. The Print
  3. BBC News