"Corona" Is a Hoax / コロナは茶番です

in #corona4 years ago

I miss my family.


I miss seeing people's faces. 


I miss summer festivals and fun, joy-filled events. 


Why must we cancel all of these things? Why must travel become so difficult? Why must people wear masks? For a deadly virus? No. That makes no sense. 


ACTIONS TELL THE TRUTH / 行動は言葉よりも大きく話す:

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October 2020, Japan's prime minister meets Vietnam's prime minister. No masks. No distancing. Deadly disease? 10月2020年。ノーマスク。ソーシャルディスタンスも無し。コロナは危ないでしょ?

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Joe Biden on federal property, immediately after signing an executive order requiring masks to be worn at all times on federal property. このノーマスクバイデンさんは連邦土地でマスクしないといけないの大統領令作ったばっかり時です。

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Masks? Distancing? No worries, gals, it's for the Olympics so the deadly virus will stay away. That's "science™️". 撫子ジャパン!マスクは?ディスタンスは?危なくない!?いや、大丈夫。オリンピックだったら安全。これは「理科」です。

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But didn't lots and lots of people die from this novel coronavirus? It's hard to say. The system for counting corona deaths is ridiculous.


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Source: https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20200614-OYT1T50084/ English: "62 local governments have announced the deaths of infected people so far. Of these, 44 local governments counted all as "dead" regardless of the cause of death. The reasons for this are that "many elderly people have underlying illnesses, and it is difficult for the government to determine whether the virus was the direct cause of death"

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June 9, 2021. Kyoto Prefecture announces that 85% of corona deaths had underlying conditions.

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" ...the intent is right now that if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death."


-Deborah Birx, MD, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force under Donald Trump

source: https://www.rev.com/transcript-editor/shared/aMaaVZNVcgVW_gh_SkMYo8vtlOmTJKroE4iCuLXkJu5lf_PHHrgivNyOmQiNxY2K2sEyn9HuJrfh0_D9cuRNGs2oH1Y?loadFrom=PastedDeeplink&ts=5893.16

In both America and Japan, people dying of underlying, severe illness like heart disease and cancer have been lumped in and counted as "corona deaths."


FLU HAS DISAPPEARED / インフルエンザどこに行った?

Speaking of which, the common flu and cold kill many people with underlying conditions every year in the same way. But, as if by magic, the flu is all but gone, and has been replaced by the so-called novel coronavirus. 


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This article from Yahoo News Japan details that flu cases inexplicably dropped right as the coronavirus started, so it wasn't the "masking and hygiene" that did the trick.


source: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/e27a1eb0aa2f2b2a2c1b68b02e54806bc7430f83


mRNAワクチンクリエター:私の懸念は、リスクがあることはわかっていますが、データにアクセスできないことです。 ですから、特にこれらは実験的なワクチンであるため、人々はワクチンを受け入れるかどうかを決定する権利を持っていると私は考えています」

mRNA vaccine inventor: "My concern is I know there are risks but we don't have access to the data. And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines."


PCR test inventor: "It [the PCR test] doesn't tell you that you're sick."


Why is this of no interest to anyone? There are already many people that have reported injuries and deaths related to this vaccine. But the media and most doctors ignore reports. Many people I know personally have experienced issues.

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Vaccine Injury Is Being Ignored / マスコミはワクチンの損傷を無視している:

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Over 6,500 deaths have been reported to the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. These need to be investigated. コロナワクチンで死んだレポートが6,542以上があります。このレポートすぐに確認しなければなりませんが、政府やマスコミはあまり興味がない見たい。

source: https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D8;jsessionid=7163C2508E3CB7BCB1491A24D51D?stage=results&action=shiftm&measure=D8.M2&direction=right

Bell's Palsy:

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Blood clots, seizures, and shaking have also been reported. 


MASKS ARE INEFFECTIVE AND UNHEALTHY /マスクウイルスに効かない、ちなみにヘルスリスクもあります:

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Not even five masks can save you! / マスク5倍でもあまり意味がない

The WHO and "Dr." Anthony Fauci both advised against wearing masks. What scientific discovery, specifically, caused their sudden change in position?


Wearing masks can be dangerous, especially in the heat. Masking children is child abuse. Even according to experts, children's survival rate is basically 100%


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Why is all this happening? 



It's a long story, but you'll have to learn that the government does not care about you. This "corona" circus is a global power grab.


I don't know if the virus is real or not. 


What I know is it is not as bad as the media says, and the real purpose is a great global reset. 


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Small businesses are being targeted and crushed. Large corporations and global governments are taking over. Medical surveillance will increase control over humans and eliminate individual privacy. The world economy is being reset to benefit only those in positions of power. This has been planned for a long time. 

Also, just before the virus, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation put on a nice little presentation with Johns Hopkins in October 2019. It was a kind of "what if" scenario about a coronavirus pandemic:


2019 Coronavirus exercise "Event 201" 10月2019年のコロナウイルスシミュレーション「Event 201」

中小企業は標的にされ、押しつぶされています。 大企業やグローバル政府が引き継いでいます。 医療監視は、人間に対する制御を強化し、個人のプライバシーを排除します。 世界経済は、権力の座にある人々だけに利益をもたらすようにリセットされています。 これは長い間計画されていました。上の写真見てください。ウイルス来た前にビル・ゲイツとジョンズホプキンスはコロナウイルスシミュレーションを催しました。

Vaccine manufacturers want to make money and harm your health so you need more of their "medical" products. Please research the "Great Reset" for yourself. The economic power shift is already happening, and many people are suffering and dying because of it. 

ワクチン製造業者はお金を稼ぎ、あなたの健康を害したいので、あなたは彼らの「医療」製品をもっと必要としています。 「グレートリセット」を自分で調べてください。 経済力のシフトはすでに起こっており、多くの人々がそれのために苦しんでいます。



Tuskegee Experimenthttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/タスキギー梅毒実験






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