Vaccines in A Crazy 21st Century - THOUGHTS/PROSE

in #coronavirus3 years ago


Coronavirus was raging but they threw some hope your way. A vaccine. A way to protect yourself. You weren't sure. It seemed kind of sketchy. It was too soon. It was too fast, but the newsman is telling you that it's working. Deaths dropping, cases dropping, it's a good thing. Get your shot. Protect life. So you suck it up and take that plunge. Deep into your system to stop that nasty virus. You get the chills and the ills but that comes with the territory. The good with the bad, right? After a couple of days your as good as new. Better. You're protected! Then the newsman is onto something new. You're vaccine doesn't hundred up. There's a new varient of that sneaky little virus. Delta. Deadly again. But we've got hope to sell you says the newsman. Booster. It's like Underdog's super energy pill. It'll give your first shot that extra kick to fight off anything! 'Man' you think to yourself, 'man I need to level up. Get me safe.' So you take the next shotty-shot-shot. Another bout of chills and ills but you know it's worth it because the newsman said so. You're back to good and nothing can stop you now. But wait, there's more. The omicron varient is rolling in. You should be good because you put on your inner armor. You wait it out. Nothing. Alright! Good thing you opted for the needle, right? Wrong! You do some research, a little too late, that says you were never at that big a risk. You got the vaccine and the booster but they didn't really matter all that much. You would have been better off getting the virus and letting yourself build immunity naturally. Your skepticism was warranted. Now you've got this shit in you and you don't know how it's going to affect you in the long term. Might be worse than getting the virus. You don't know and you won't know till the newsman tells you so.
There's a simple moral to this story. Don't trust the newsman. He's only reporting for the powers that be and the powers that be don't give a shit about you. There' money moving behind the scenes and none of it is for you. Trust your gut, people. If you think it might be hinkey, then it's probably hinkey.