Hello Friends
Today I comes with a good news which world is waiting from so long. Glenmark company in Mumbai, India got approval for manufacturing of favipiravir medicine for treatment of coronavirus. It is effective for mild to moderate form of coronavirus infection. In my earlier post, I have told that dexamethasone got approved for treatment of severe case of coronavirus infection. But dexamethasone has many side effect because it is steroidal medicine which suppress immunity. But favipiravir has no side effect.
Why it has no side effect?
Favipiravir in 2014 got approval for treatment of influenza in Japan. Favipiravir is a prodrug which convert in to its active form i.e. favipiravir sugar phosphate by human enzyme. In active form it inhibit RNA polymerase enzyme which is required for the growth of coronavirus in host cell. This RNA polymerase is not present in host cell. This is the reason that favipiravir doesn't have side effect.
Glenmark company told that favipiravir should be used in combination with umifenovir. This combination will suppress the preentery and post entry of coronavirus lifecycle.
The other benefit of this medicine is that; It is effective for patient having diabetes and heart related problem. This drug is very cheap just 103 Rs/tablet which 1.5 USD/tablet. It will be easily available from the chemist shop from this month end according to Glenmark.
drawback: this drug is not good for person having kidney, liver, gout problem. This drug is not good for pregnant and lactating woman.
If you want to know more
please check this link