Dexamethasone is a steroidal medicine. It is useful for treatment of rheumatoidal arthritis, inflammation, allergic reactions and other disease. This medicine suppress our immune system and we all know that our immunity is the only thing we have to fight against this pandemic (coronavirus attack). Then the question is; How it could be life savior medicine? Other way, it will make us more prone to viral attack.
The answer is,
In a fight between virus and immune system; Sometimes our immune system overdrive and start fighting against our own body which become fatal. Dexamethasone (steroid) suppresses this crazy immune activity and helpful for patients on ventilator or oxygen treatment. But, this drug will not work in milder symptom. Your immunity is self sufficient to fight for mild attack.
So, don't start to buy this drug and making stock in house because it is cheap and easily available. Let this drug be available for person in need.
Caution: this drug is dangerous to pregnant and breast feeding ladies.
Also, I am sharing some links for your information