My journey with coronavirus!

Starting off, I was not roaming much but just to some basic needs shop only, I don't know how I got infected, when I got infected. Some days back, I woke up and felt little feverish and then I checked my temperature it was 99.2°C . I didn't take it seriously as I thought it might be because of chilled water or sleeping in ac. My temperature was bot constant, mostly times it was below 99 and also my dad was suffering from fever and his fever was a high temperature. Common symptoms that we have heard till now was fever, dry cough, sore throat, running nose. Trust me, I was not having even a single symptom except little temperature. I was fine few days but still I took precautions, one day I was having my favourite sandwich and I love that taste and I realised that there is no taste, I smelled few things but I was not able to smell , this was after 5-6 days of 99°. So my taste and smell was gone, I was not able to smell even strongest fragnance. This was the first symptom i came through.
I have my own kitchen on first floor so in a day I do up and down many times. So as I came to my kitchen just by walking up the stairs, I felt breathlessness, I checked my heartrate in my fit band, it was 133. I rechecked by walking again, I was sure this time that I have a breathe issue.
On 22nd of june, I went for the virus check, they took sample from my nose and throat.
Deep inside I was sure that I got infected. I started maintaing distance from everyone and also from the kitchen.
Me and my dad both went for the test and after 3 days, my dad's report was negative and my report came to be positive.

I was told to be quarantined for the next 14 days, I shifted to the first floor. And I myself started taking paracetamol and also some supplements.

For the next few days, there was no call nothing from the hospital, then after few days, I recieved a call from a doctor that how I am feeling and is there a need for admit, I refused.
The same day, a woman called up to me asking for the symptoms and my address. She came to my house and posted a quarantine poster on my gate and handed a box of medicines to my dad.

And today on 3rd of july when almost my quarantine period is finished, two men came and sanitised just the gates from outside.

Now I am perfectly fine and just a day more and I could again go down and finally cook something. This 14 day period was tough actually but it's okay I experienced a new thing.

So my point of being infected,
If you have symptoms there is a chance you can get negative report and likewise If you don't have symptoms, there is a chance to get positive. Be safe and maintain a distance even with your family members, no one can imagine when you are infected and when you are not.
And also please get a oxymeter and keep a check on oxygen level.


You are really brave. U managed alone everything. This is what the courage is.