lol...well we have major problems as always but at least in America we've been kicking butt and things have never looked so good.
Joblessness is at a half-century low. Wages are rising at the fastest pace in more than a decade - and climbing fastest for low-income workers.
American life expectancy has never been longer. Living standards have never been higher. Educational attainment has never been greater.
Cancer is in retreat. And will soon be history like many major diseases. Violent crime is in a long-term cycle of decline. Domestic abuse is down. So is the divorce rate. And so are abortions which have been a terrible blight on our land and an abomination to God.
Air and water quality have been improving for decades. U.S. carbon emissions are lower every year.
Our economy is the envy of the world. We have the strongest economy, the mightiest military, we're leading in many technologies and innovation.
Median household incomes and net wealth have never been greater. There are more opportunities than ever before., so many great things happening there, the few bad things are WAY overshadowed by the great things which are moving the country back from socialism. Trump will be re-elected to keep that going, then Pence will serve two terms.
Spiritually...oh my gosh don't even get me started! The Spirit of God is moving across this land like never before. Yes, churches are dying. That is the old, mainstream liberal churches are dying.
The greatest and fastest growth is in home Bible studies, groups and churches that actually believe the Word of God and in it's Power and THAT is where the Holy Spirit is working to change neighborhoods, cities and the country!
I'll stop now but I could keep going. And no, I'm not just an optimist, I study the real data. The stuff the MSM will never tell you about how it's really going. and