Trump Turns to Pence to Calm Fears Over Coronavirus

in #coronavirus5 years ago

Pence Heads Coronavirus Response.jpg
Trump Turns to Pence to Calm Fears Over Coronavirus: President Trump addressed the nation from the White House briefing room Thursday, announcing he will be putting Vice President Mike Pence in charge of efforts to stem the spread and ease public fears over the coronavirus here in the US, blindsiding Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar - who had been leading the task force.

Because nothing stems public fears like putting a guy who doesn’t even believe in science in charge of coordinating our response to a worldwide pandemic and possible global economic collapse.

Shortly after being appointed, Pence grabbed the reins and immediately called for a complete ban of all Mexican beer imports, pointing out that “even though the virus has so far only affected Corona lagers, mother always says it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Not to sound critical, but I rather suspect that during volatile times such as these, many American’s are thinking that “now would have been a great time to have an actual president residing in the White House."


Are people in China not dying?

Absolutely they are, and its horrible - but I don't get what your point is here. You do understand this is "satire" don't you? Satire about a US president appointing someone who has absolutely NO qualifications, no understanding of science whatsoever - to oversee America's response to this possible pandemic.

Do you prefer globalism or independence?

Independence from what? Its a global economy and we're all here on this big spinning rock - flying through space. Get over dude!

I like private property. You are probably ok with me stealing stuff from you. That means you should get over it because we are on the same big spinning rock. By your logic, I should be allowed to do anything I want to you. I will come to you and murder you. Hey, get over it. Don't build a border to stop me. Don't block me. Don't build a racist wall. Don't lock your door. Let me do whatever I want anywhere. Because I am an evil guy. But if you try to throw me in jail, you'd be racist. You can't stop me. I make money selling body parts on the black market. That is my global economy. So, if you try to stop me, you'll be hurting the global economy. You can't do that. Make it easier for me and just come to my house. Don't fight it. Let me do anything I want to do. Because private property is retarded. Ownership is dumb. We should all share. What is yours is mine. So, I will take it. I will eat you. I am hungry. You do not own your body. Because ownership is stupid. So, let me do what I want to do. Don't tell me I cannot eat you.

Dude, as you very well know, I neither said or even implied any of that. In fact, I consider your conclusions insane. I wish you no ill will, but our conversation is now over, because I never argue with someone who is obviously not in possession of all their faculties.

I love free markets. You love 1984. I love freedom and you do not. That is too bad. You can't debate. So, you walk away. So, bye bye. You are Bernie Sanders. You believe in what destroyed the Roman Empire. I believe in individualism. You do not. You want to boss people around.